Thanks to all for the compliments. I am glad that you find interest in this dio & I appreciate your inputs. So far I am about 1 year into this project and I estimate that the entire build might be about 3 years total to complete. All depends on life challenges, ARMY active duty orders & mandatory training events for FY16 & 17. Nonetheless, I enjoy every minute & plan each step countless times before taking action.
Patrick, here are the answers to some of your questions:
Yes, a jig & a cutting mat were used on the PE gate. I intentionally made a few iron parts bent to simulate damage to gate. Still pending rust and grimy black weathering.
An X-Acto blade #11 was utilize to create the bullet hole damages and chipping. Then India Ink (Heavy) in all holes (plus all brick lines) to simulate dirt. One dried I lightly sanded areas down using a piece of steel wool and removed the outer shades of India Ink to show aged cement. Here's a closer look at the same progress rate (80%).


The tile art is 100% accurate. These are re-sized internet images of actual Middle East mosque sites (Iraq & Iran mosque tiles). They are calligraphic writings on tile depicting the name of God, Muhammad and the first caliphs. Among other Islamic religious writings. I have compiled various samples to utilize on all three structures. Various meanings, perhaps when completed I will list all definitions per location... I have it written somewhere.
I am still pending completion of the 2nd gate half, support wall plates, painting details, and a bit more weathering to the portal. Once completed I will share the updates.
Thanks again to all for your continued interest and kind replies. Till next time, happy modeling!