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I think you'll do well, right tool for the job and all that.
Now THAT's using your skills as a modeller to get the most out of an old kit by using various After-market upgrades!!!

This is looking very much like my own style of model-building. Resin and PE Updates and a good bit of "finagling" with the kit itself!

BTW- Don't mean to go "off-track"-
You wouldn't believe the results you can get from the good ol' basic Single Action PAASCHE H-1 and BADGER 200-series airbrushes. Dependable, simple, and they cost a FRACTION of what the more expensive "better" airbrushes cost. Spray patterns are just as good- You just need to use a little bit of ingenuity (a few minutes of adjusting the paint tips) to get the air/paint adjustments on the airbrush just right, and also by varying the air pressure on your compressor. Varying the paint-to-thinner ratio can also give you some spectacular results. Touch-ups are a snap with my BADGER 200G Gravity-feed airbrush, which I've equipped with an "Ultra-Fine" Needle...
I've used these airbrushes since I was 14, and I'll be 63 in January, so I think that speaks well of how GOOD those old airbrushes really are...
Yes, I've tried Dual Action IWATAs, and couldn't tell the difference. It's not just the airbrush; it's the level of experience that the modeller has in getting the most out of their airbrush and other tools... Wound up selling my two IWATAs to a buddy of mine because he just HAD to HAVE THEM!!!

Having blathered on about airbrushes, I just want to say in conclusion that you're old TAMIYA M60A3 is LOOKIN' GOOD!!! I'll be following your efforts with great interest!!!