Well, I finally got my driver's station from CMK (I messed up the order, so it took some time), and got on building. I was -I confess- not overly concerned with accuracy; I just wanted to fill up the driver's station that looked the piece. The CMK set is excellent, but it's obviously designed for the T-55... and there are some differences.
I used whatever I could; most of it won't be seen, anyhow.

Closing up the hull. The fit is excellent, but when assembled, I'd leave the splash guard off until I'm finished with all the hull... it's easy to break it off.

Idlers on

The top of the hull is on

The fit was OK; there were some issues at places, but it went together at the end. Nothing major, really.
Starting on the mud-guards...

Now, this was the most contentious issue so far. The attachment points are just tiny little pegs sticking out of the mudgards; there are no corresponding holes on the hull. The other issue is that the triangular pieces that secure them to the hull are attached before the mudguards are fixed to the hull, so their position is not exactly perfect. I'd suggest to leave those off, and add them once the mudguards are in place. (They do have a little marking for each where they are supposed to be attached, but the whole assembly is pretty flimsy and difficult to manage. I'm going point by point, gluing sections once the previous section has dried. I also wedged very thin everygreen plastic strips under the mudguards to give them additional support. One thing is for sure: they will be very fragile; do not lift the model up by them. It's going to complicate the assembly of the running gear, but oh well.