Thank you all for your replies, didnt have the time to reply for past few days, sorry about that!
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You asked if anything was "right" on the Sherman. For a first time you did very well. One of the things I really enjoy is doing the research on the vehicle I will be modeling. As your skills improve you will begin to ask yourself "How is this attached? of Why is this here?" I can't tell from your pics but the tarps on the side come to mind. Step back and look and ask yourself those questions.
Go buy yourself a set of needle files and take care of as many seams as you can on the next one. I seem to spend more time cleaning up seams than actually building but it makes a noticeable difference. If you don't have an airbrush you can lightly brush on Future or Johnson's clear where you want to add the decals and them use a decal setting solution over them. There are numerous brands out there.
For a beginner, your weathering is quite good. Here again it takes practice. I've been doing it for 30 years and still don't have it down to my satisfaction. Everyone develops a style that suits them. I use a lot of oils for my weathering--mostly titanium white and raw umber but other colors as well. I mix the color I want into what is more or less a paste and add little dots to the kit then take a clean brush with thinner and try to streak it and stuff. I may end up putting 4-5 coats down before it starts to look like I want it to. Someone else can correct me but the oils seem to dry a little lighter than when put down so plan for that.
Pigments are a new thing for me but I have found that Mike Rinaldi's technique works well for me and is very easy. See if you can find his books in the Panzer Art series.
Biggest advice is be is a hobby. For me it is straight up stress relief.
Thanks Jeff thats some really good advice! You're right, looks like its going to be one of my favourite parts aswell, to research the tank and history of it! Pitty I didnt think of it before I painted the Sherman

Ill keep in mind that seams need to be taken care of and im going to have a closer look at decals next time! One question, how important is it to wash your model before assembling ? Im using acrylics.
To realize it is a hobby I needed to take a step back from armorama cause most of stuff here is pure art for me

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Hi buddy,
A big welcome to the hobby, first off all ways remember it's for fun nothing else.
So first off one of the main things is research study pics of your chosen project this will help you in your build and maybe give you a few extra ideas,read build blogs of other builders and there techniques.
Study colours, little things like allied armour paint chipped less than German or Russian.
Conditions will dictate what type of weathering to do on your vehicle.
Look at real vehicles look at parts that show wear and tear and parts that don't.
These are just a few things to consider, I would concentrate on your vehicles before moving on to dioramas, and settle for a simple base until you improve your skills. Dioramas are a new ball game as are figures.
Hope these few points help and have fun.
Thanks for your insights bud! I started watching a lot of hd colour documentaries from ww2, holywood stuff aswell, and going thru hundrends pics of tanks and military of that era, its so much fun and its very inspirational.
The diorama thing is more of a base I suppose, its made of a waiter tray, around 30cm, and I use it to practice whatever I need or can check out in a creative way.
Mike I found a outlet with few month late magazines so Ill be gettin some cheap soon! Figured I dont mind them to be few month old

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As a fellow newbie to the hobby, I can say its honestly not bad for a first go. I can't really say what already hasn't been said.
In retrospect, my first kit was a tamiya sdkfz 222 which I botched the paint job so badly it looked like it got firebombed. After that, I learned to control pin washes and filters for my other builds. I even managed to fix it somewhat.
Still, practice makes perfect hurr-durr... I'll be trying kit-bashing in the near future.. the horror!
Hi there fellow newbie! I hope my next tank will look much better, but most important that I will be in control of the painting& weathering process!

Thanks for the links! Ill check what works better around where I live

I checked the pdf links but it only shows italian for me

Anyway, I found a way to get cheaper modelling literature so maybe some of it will be interesting