Quoted Text
Quoted Textexactly !!If you don't want it don't buy it !
That really isn't the point...the point is how is Dragon expecting to stay in business selling crappy and overpriced products? Their new releases (well the ones I'm mostly interested in) have gone downhill and their quality they've been known for/reputation since their Tiger 1 release about 10 years ago has done a 180 turn for the worse. Then charging insane pricing for items doesn't help. Sure would make an interesting business case.
From what I gather, a company has to sell about 5K models to break even on the molds...I've also heard some interesting comments about this, like companies saying they are going to release something, then waiting till they get the pre-orders in then releasing it only when that magic number is hit.
Some other rants I've seen here....I remember going to my first model shows about 25 years ago in my late teens...and not really seeing anyone that was my age at time...now I'm 41 and I still see same people or people now my age. I don't get hung up about age or young people making models anymore, what it boils down to is the US nor the EU is really driving the market anymore...its Asian market. That is part of the reason why we are seeing all these Cold war/modern era releases from new Chinese companies...Younger generations aren't really interested in WW2 anymore (it happened 70+ years ago...that is almost 3 generations ago...and their great grandparents fought in it) so more up to date subjects are going to get peoples attentions, even though the M1's design is almost 40 years old.
Also people who are younger either don't have the disposable income they have when they are older and more established, unless they are getting $$ from their parents...thus why you see older guys who have children who are doing other things since they are older (Sports etc) and allowing them to go out and go to shows.
To All following this thread:
Kids with a low-spending allowance? Have any of you visited any of our College campuses lately? I see snot-nosed brats driving around in brand-new BMWs who could give a crap if there's anyone crossing the streets- they'd just as soon run the pedestrians over. I see all kinds of other stuff going on, which I WON'T BOTHER TO GO INTO at this time. Does anyone think that today's adolescent is going to fork over $50-$70 (retail, that is) for a plastic MODEL?!?
NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!! They'd rather bug Mom and/or Dad for the latest Top-Dollar Samsung S-whatever-happens-to-be-the-newest-phone-released-in-the-last-5-minutes, which will cost upwards of $600-$700 bucks... And you know what? Mom and/or Dad will oblige...
We are well into the 21st Century, so DON'T expect plastic model companies (or anyone else) to sell their wares at 20th Century prices. And it doesn't matter if the kit is the latest release, OR 20-30 years old. The model manufacturers are only interested in their profits, not how deep your pockets are. It's sad, but that's the way it is, and it's NOT going to get any better. This is the primary reason why so many Independent Hobby Shops are having great difficulties in keeping not only the latest merchandise on their shelves, but keeping their doors open as well...
So... If you're floored by the outrageous prices that DRAGON (and a few others) are charging for their stuff, try ebay (No, I don't work for ebay) and TAKE THE TIME TO SHOP AROUND while you're there. I recently picked up an AFV CLUB LVTP5A1 for $25 bucks with FREE shipping. It took a while, but I finally got the deal that I was looking for. Just try it- it can't hurt...