Hosted by Darren Baker
Dragon loses the last of its pricing sanity


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 08:00 AM UTC
What manufacturer is making a Panther II? Dragon is the only game I believe. Grumble or not they are releasing the kit. If you want one get it now. Now if Trumpeter, Takom or Meng broke tradition and made a WWII kit (I don't seriously think that a Panther II kit would be the first WWII kit they make) and it was a Panther II then Dragon might reduce the price but until then they are the only game in town. Supply and demand and they are the only supply.


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 08:37 AM UTC
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What manufacturer is making a Panther II? Dragon is the only game I believe. Grumble or not they are releasing the kit. If you want one get it now. Now if Trumpeter, Takom or Meng broke tradition and made a WWII kit (I don't seriously think that a Panther II kit would be the first WWII kit they make) and it was a Panther II then Dragon might reduce the price but until then they are the only game in town. Supply and demand and they are the only supply.
It's not a Panther II. Dragon may call it a Panther II but the accuracy issues put the kit squarely into the realm of a fiction creation.


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 08:56 AM UTC
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It's not a Panther II. Dragon may call it a Panther II but the accuracy issues put the kit squarely into the realm of a fiction creation.
True Tim, but ..... it's a what if right? I mean a true Panther II would be a kit of the prototype as it was captured, test weight in lieu of turret etc etc. This is fictional, so the real issues are any hull and turret dimensional ones, of which I agree there are a few.
To guys like me though (OOB builders - not modellers but gluers) and any WOT players with a Panther II in their garage the fact it isn't a "true" Panther II has nothing to do with whether this kit is value for money or not.


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 01:06 PM UTC
It's not just 30 year old molds that went up in price but same kits that were produced less than 10 years apart. I have, right now sitting beside me, two Dragon Ferdinands. Kits 6133 released in the early 2000's and 6436 released in 07-08. The sprues have the same ID numbers, they are identical except for a few minor things. The newer kit has better detail on the road wheels, location marks on the lower hull, magic tracks, aluminum barrel, photo etch and a white box. No zimmerit tho. The price difference tho was more than $30. I paid around $25 for the older 6133 when it came out and just under $60 for the 6436. Was the photo-etch and other nifty stuff worth the $30? I couldn't say considering how much you pay for after market add ons. They did refresh some of the molds but they should do that anyway and just tossing a few "premium" parts into a nifty box with an older kit shouldn't double the price. But if people want to buy them than Dragon will sell them at whatever price people are willing to pay.


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 01:53 PM UTC
This is how capitalism works, if no one buys the kit at the price they wont make a profit and will either have to lower the price or make a loss.
The worry is that people will pay the price for the kit
The worry is that people will pay the price for the kit


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 02:33 PM UTC
1) Don't like the price - don't pay that much.YOU decide!
2) Look through your stash. You may already have that or almost the same kit.
3) Go to Ebay for alternative pricing.
4) Find one more or another, better-payed job.
5) Optimize your expenses, be a smart buyer.
6) Stop whining!!!
7) Let the hobby bring you joy, not disappointment!!!
2) Look through your stash. You may already have that or almost the same kit.
3) Go to Ebay for alternative pricing.
4) Find one more or another, better-payed job.
5) Optimize your expenses, be a smart buyer.
6) Stop whining!!!
7) Let the hobby bring you joy, not disappointment!!!


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 02:38 PM UTC
The internet and social networking are great. If everyone feels that 30 year old kits shouldn't be that expensive than start making noise and sending messages to Dragon. Hit every hobby site out there and get them involved. Sure they should make a profit and yes no one else is making a Panther II but with enough noise maybe they'll take the hint. Or maybe some other manufacturer will listen and make a Panther II therefore creating competition. That is also a part of capitalism. Dragon will have to justify the cost, improve the kit or lose customers. BTW I have the Panther II. It wasn't worth $30 I paid for it years ago.
Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 05:17 PM UTC
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This is how capitalism works, if no one buys the kit at the price they wont make a profit and will either have to lower the price or make a loss.
The worry is that people will pay the price for the kit![]()
And if they pay the price and buy the kit, it will show that it was in demand.


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 05:46 PM UTC
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While I agree it's a bugger that Dragon is charging such high prices for what is a long out of date kit, I'd like to scratch something that has just starting to really itch now:Quoted TextTo All following this thread:
Kids with a low-spending allowance? Have any of you visited any of our College campuses lately? I see snot-nosed brats driving around in brand-new BMWs who could give a crap if there's anyone crossing the streets- they'd just as soon run the pedestrians over. I see all kinds of other stuff going on, which I WON'T BOTHER TO GO INTO at this time. Does anyone think that today's adolescent is going to fork over $50-$70 (retail, that is) for a plastic MODEL?!?
NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!! They'd rather bug Mom and/or Dad for the latest Top-Dollar Samsung S-whatever-happens-to-be-the-newest-phone-released-in-the-last-5-minutes, which will cost upwards of $600-$700 bucks... And you know what? Mom and/or Dad will oblige...
Ahem... I am one of "snot-nosed brats driving around in brand-new BMWs who could give a crap if there's anyone crossing the streets" college students and I highly object to this mostly unfounded, and HIGHLY insulting, blanket statement that all or most college/university students are this way. This is mostly untrue and I highly resent it. While there are a few who are like this, the overall vast majority are very studious, nice people.
Many people I know did not beg their parents to buy them phones but instead bought their phones themselves. I myself had to create a detailed spreadsheet and explain my reasoning for getting a new cell phone, going from a 4 year old company-type "dumb phone" to a smart phone, and my reasons for the specific phone I wanted to get. That was just to get them to consider it. They did not oblige immediately. During much of the year, I don't have a job - my job is seasonal as I work at a beach for minimum wage I might add - and hence little income. I spend very little money most of the time. And when I do, it's almost always MY OWN money. I can't speak for others but I myself do not beg or plead or bug my parents to give me money to spend. And to be honest, many people are perfectly content to use a phone that they already have. They don't need to have the newest, biggest or best of whatever. Believe it or not but I don't think most college age people are that loose with money.
To add to this, I also know of more "brats" who drive Ford Mustangs or suped-up Hondas than those who drive BMWs. Come to think of it, I know of more than a few 40, 50 or 60 year old people who are that way that drive BMWs (or Audi's or Mercedes or Land/Range Rovers or anything else) as well.
As a final word here, Dennis, are you trying to say that your generation was distinctively and vastly different than this generation when you were in your early twenties? Is your generation when they were in their 20's so different and so much better from ours that now comparisons can't be drawn between them? While there are some distinct differences between your generation and mine, overall, I think overall they are essentially the same. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
But just to clarify if it is unclear, I could not actually buy my cell phone myself. At the time I had gotten it it was around the mid-point of my first year on the job (and my first actual job at that) and I did not have the money to buy it. I was also being paid BELOW minimum wage. I made the spreadsheet on my own accord and explained the reasonings. My parents did purchase the cell phone for me as an upgrade from my previous cell phone. I helped pay off a portion of each bill. But I could not buy my own cell phone. Just in case you're wondering if I "begged" for my "$600 phone." Call my generation spoiled-brats-who-couldn't-give-a-damn all you want. But know that that is not who the majority is. And I didn't become an Eagle Scout by being a lazy, spoiled brat.
And that is my final word.
YES, EMPHATICALLY! I think my "generation" was, and still is, VASTLY different than the generation of kids that are growing up today. I saved up during the last years of Elementary School and all through High School so that I could buy my first car. My first real job was NOT delivering newspapers or working as a grocery clerk- I went to work for our neighborhood UNDERTAKER at 16 years of age. You grow up in a big fat hurry doing that. I'm not going to go into detail. Suffice it to say that I had nothing to do with embalming or the like- I wasn't licensed. But I DID assist in going out on pickups, assisting at the funerals themselves, handling new "merchandise", etc. I managed to go out and buy my first car in 1971, roughly 2 months before I graduated High School. It was a two-year-old 1969 Dodge Dart GTS 340, for the grand total of... $1400.00...
Today, that's what some auto enthusiasts will spend on a medium-priced 19 or 20-inch set of wheels, Tires NOT included! I put another $2500.00, plus A LOT of my own and my buddies' labor, into the car because I wanted to have a "Hot Rod", which is a means of conveyance that most kids today haven't even the smallest inkling of. My buddies all drove and owned their own Hot Rods, being as we all went to Automotive High School, in Brooklyn, NY, so we all had an aptitude and burning desire to do well in our efforts. (Yes, we RACED!) Not ONCE did I ask my generous parents for ONE DIME for ANYTHING past the age of 16. I was contributing money to the everyday household expenses by then... So, yes- My generation WAS different. Besides that, no "smart-aleck" TV-sitcom Kid-type remarks were allowed by my, and my buddies' parents, as well... On the other hand, there were enough hoodlums out there that my buddies and I didn't care to associate ourselves with...
I will concede that there are a lot of today's kids out there that any parent can be proud of- Grade A students, Eagle Scouts as yourself, College Scholarship Winners, you know who the good kids are. But there are some real DREGS out there as well, AND the "snot-nosed BRATS" which I lovingly described a few posts ago. I don't want to get into any donnybrooks here, so I will desist in expounding on my point of view concerning this "side-subject" at this juncture... Thank You for letting me express my opinions, which by no means do I expect anyone to necessarily agree with...


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 05:47 PM UTC
Correct me if I am wrong isn't this the same Panther II as the Orange box offering it seems odd they didn't release it in the Orange box lineup which I built a while back which set me back 20 bucks the transport tracks were rough not the same as the ones in the late production KT, no periscopes had to raid the spares box for those.
To me this kit is nowhere near the price they are asking for it and I'm my opinion needs a revamp to command a price they are asking for.
I think the name dragon built for itself all those years ago is what drives the market for dragon kits today eventualy that will fade away as other manufacturers come on board with similar subjects Meng are doing a KT the rest will follow give it time.
Cheers Ben.
To me this kit is nowhere near the price they are asking for it and I'm my opinion needs a revamp to command a price they are asking for.
I think the name dragon built for itself all those years ago is what drives the market for dragon kits today eventualy that will fade away as other manufacturers come on board with similar subjects Meng are doing a KT the rest will follow give it time.
Cheers Ben.


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 06:59 PM UTC
Being on a fixed income, I agree with everyone that Dragon is out of their collective minds!! That's why I shop on Ebay and visit estates sales and garage sales when I get a few extra bucks. I would rather wait and see what the new companies,like Meng and Takom, come up with. This way I can spend money on new tooling.


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 07:26 PM UTC
Leaving aside the wretched accuracy of the Panther II kit, they are routinely going on eBay for $20-30 including shipping. There's one right now with a bid price of $14. Why pay 2-3 times the price? It's one thing when it's a rerelease of some super rare coveted kit, but this thing?


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 07:47 PM UTC
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Quoted TextThis is how capitalism works, if no one buys the kit at the price they wont make a profit and will either have to lower the price or make a loss.
The worry is that people will pay the price for the kit![]()
And if they pay the price and buy the kit, it will show that it was in demand.
And that the price was not too high (even though it is !!)


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Posted: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 - 08:26 PM UTC
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Blame Obama, he fixed the American economy and seems everyone still blames him.

Obama fixed the economy? ROFLMAO! The Economy is doing Slightly better after SEVEN YEARS DESPITE Obama's policies. Its been the slowest recovery in American history...along with Jimmy Carter.
Besides, how do you manage to use Obama and modeling in the same post? Perhaps Obama will use his Phone and Pen to contact Dragon and sort it all out eh? Jeeeeesh.....

Removed by original poster on 04/08/16 - 04:54:39 (GMT).


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Posted: Friday, April 08, 2016 - 03:03 AM UTC
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Quoted TextQuoted TextLooks like they took a page out of the Tamiya play book.
I'll agree with this post, too. Only thing is, over the last 15 years or so, at least as far as 1/35 Armor, AFVs and Soft-skins are concerned, TAMIYA has been eclipsed by quite a few "new" Big Players- TRUMPETER, HOBBY BOSS, MENG, TAKOM, er- DRAGON, MIRROR, AFV CLUB, etc... TAMIYA has been re-packaging their old stuff and other manufacturers for quite a long time... Wherever the money is, I guess...
There has been an awful lot of new tool Tamiya stuff coming out also though,good stuff too.
Jagdpanzer Lang
Easy 8
JSU-152 and JS-2
So it's not just reboxes with Tamiya
OK, so they came out with 9 kits in HOW MANY years? Compare those 9 kits to what we have been inundated with from other manufacturers in the last COUPLE of years. Granted, TAMIYA, along with DRAGON, are very much attuned and dedicated to the Asian Toy Market, rather than the comparatively small scale Armor & Aircraft Markets- TAMIYA prefers to hold back and come out with some really GOOD 1/35 Armor and 1/48 Aircraft, whereas CYBERHOBBY/DRAGON prefers to release a lot more subject matter, which is basically "de-tuned" re-boxes of older kits of what was once top-notch material.
As far as a lot of these older DRAGON re-boxed kits are concerned, they now border on mediocrity. Some of TAMIYA's re-boxes aren't so hot, the old ITALERI 1/35 M24 Chaffee being an example, but some of them, such as ITALERI's 1/48 Arado Ar.196-A Seaplane and HASEGAWA's 1/48 Hurricanes are REAL STUNNERS...
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