Nice work going on here as always! At this point, I'm a bit embarrassed to be showing this - while it involves lots of modifications and was adequately frustrating, maybe not up to what you guys are doing otherwise!
So, for today, I'm calling the truck, trailer and tank done! or, almost, done! The trailer needs some attention - but, it's close.
First up, you'll see some pics of cargo tractors pulling tanks on trailers - I include these, as on another thread, there has been quite a bit of discussion in regard to what can and can't pull the T-55....I'm satisfied my tractor can pull this trailer!
First up, some examples:

I found many pics of commercial trucks pulling these tanks, but none like the one in the kit - so, please see below:

So, not the same, but I will live with it!
On to the load:

And there you have it - again, I'm calling it mostly done - some grime etc to be added here and there. Next, I'll start a log over on the dio forum to bring these odds and ends together-
thanks for checking it out