I need to rant here and I have no one to blame but myself. I'm currently building DML's STUG III ausf F/8 "Winterketten" Smart Kit. It's a really nice model with nice, fine detail and straightforward assembly. However, THE INSTRUCTIONS SUCK! There are two glaring problems with the instructions. First, in step 1 or 4 (depending on how you look at it), part D-11 needs to be added before the applique plate on the front hull should be added (check your references and you'll see what I mean). I caught that one. The other is in the 3rd act of step 11. They sort of omit the hinges on the hull for the engine hatches (incidentally, they are part G-40). They just mysteriously appear. #$%@! Here's where I'm at right now:

So this really makes a mess of things. I can fix it, but this is the sort of thing that really turns people off.
So where am I going with all of this spleen-venting? I'd like to add a new verb to the modeling lexicon. Dragoned: having your really nice model screwed up by DML's lazy, crappy instructions. Can I get a second for this motion?