I have been collecting the parts since the M1120 LHS came out late last year. I have collected both kits, the Real Model M983 engine set, tires and wheels from the Hobby Boss M1070 HETS, and additional axle and suspension parts from Accurate Armour's M1070 HETS kit that I ordered from Accurate Armour.
Here is what I am building, an M1074 PLS (Paletized Load System)

So far, I have started by lengthening the frame to the 35' 6" full length of the PLS. I used two frame sections from the LHS kit to do it.

A note on the Trumpeter kit, it is awesome. So far, it has both front steering gear boxes and all linkages. Also, the transfer case is angled as it should be. Its looking good so far.
Here are the AA parts too.

More to come later.