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Maybe my problem, but how on earth do you come from these funny figures to porn? To me it looks that in the USA showing a bare knee is already tricky! ( but maybe the standards will change after DT enters The Office?)
I guess the Masterbox staff sees a market for this kind of modelling.Why otherwise invest quite some mony in the moulds, marketing etc.
Porn? Ahum......
How does my personal opinion represent the the United States of America? Hate Americans and our 2nd amendment much? I'll bet your grand mother loved Americans...while your Grandfather hid in a closet and the German army rolled over your country. Pretty fed up with ungrateful countries like yours blaming all the world's problems on us. A simple thank you for us saving your sorry ass will suffice. Now... want to bring it back to just model building jackass?
Sir, YOUR REMARKS ARE TOTALLY UN-CALLED FOR! Remarks like THESE are PRECISELY the kind of thing that people from other countries find so offensive about Americans! THANKS FOR NOTHING!!!
When you say that "we/us saving your sorry ass", I can empathize with Europeans and our Friends and Allies in the South-Western Pacific, who fought AGAINST the Axis powers throughout WWII, many of them from BEHIND the lines, and who were actively engaged in Resistance, Espionage, Intelligence/Counter-intelligence-gathering, Sabotage, AND SAVING ALLIED Pilots & Flight Crew Members who had been shot down, AND escapees from the NAZI POW, Concentration, and Death Camps. This kind of work carried a DEATH SENTENCE, and there were many who were caught and who suffered unspeakably at the hands of the German and the Japanese "police organizations".
I'm an American by birth, and my parents were from war-torn WWII Europe who came to the United States in 1949- Mom was from Germany, and my Dad was a Ukrainian, who served in the Polish Army when the NAZIS invaded Poland. Dad was captured by HEER Troops, but handed over to the SS who very nearly killed him through mistreatment and starvation in their "camps". BOTH were extremely happy and THANKFUL when the Allied Forces liberated them, specifically the American Troops who, as it happened, actually liberated BOTH of them. My parents LOVED and RESPECTED the United States all their lives, and taught my Sister and I to do the same, which we still do...
To lump ALL Europeans and our British, French, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Belgian, Australian, New Zealander, Russian, Chinese, Czech, Polish, Italian, Pacific Islanders, and yes, even our German and Japanese Friends, not to mention the neutral Swedish and Swiss people who helped the Allied cause, as cowardly, with Grandmothers "loving" Americans, (I'll bet you meant to say "F**king), with "Grandfather hiding in the closet", is not only offensive and a distortion of the facts, but it's also INSULTING, in the extreme. It's not only insulting to the people who helped the Allies while under occupation of the enemy, it's INSULTING to the Allies that they helped, fed, clothed AND PROTECTED US and Allied Srevicemen, while these sacrificing, self-same and brave people were under the yoke of oppression by the NAZIS AND the KEMPEITAI...
We WERE talking about MODELS in this thread, people! MODELS!!! Look what this thread has degenerated into! Discussing the relative qualities (good or bad) of model kits, their assembly, detailing, painting, conversions, etc, are what ARMORAMA is SUPPOSED to be all about, and NOT sinking ourselves into the depths of prejudices of ANY kind...