So it continues...
I decided to take a break from the tractor and engine build, and get started on the shelter.
My first intention was to use the Plus Model S-250 shelter since it provides a bit of an interior, and the door can be mounted in the open position. Sadly, after purchasing it I discovered that it does not fit the Gama Goat trailer, and also - as far as I can understand - depicts a later version of the shelter than I want.
So, what other choice is there but to scratch build one?
Fortunately, I was able to find some good drawings with measurements on the internet, which were of great help.
After the engine, this felt pretty simple, just some slab-sided walls to cut out and glue together.
The door, however, is a fairly complicated affair in "real life", so I have tried to capture this detail as much as possible.
Other than that, the only time-consuming part has been to add slats to the "windows" and door. Not quite done, after doing all those slats on the engine hatch I am taking my time so I don't burn myself out on the boring bits :-)
Nothing too exciting in other words, but to keep this blogg moving forwards here are some pics.
Those with sharp eyes will notice that I glued the two side walls, and then had to remove one to give me access to the windows to mount the slats - oops! :-)
As far as the interior is concerned, I am very tempted to deck this thing out with communication equipment (AN/GRC-122 or AN/GRC-142 setups). We'll see how much energy I have for this when the time comes, since none of this equipment is available in 1/35 scale (as far as I know).
Thanks for looking!

Test fit:
