Time to upload my progress picture. While finishing my entry for workhorses campaign, i did some work on Sd.kfz. 6/2. To be honest, basic construction is already complete, it is time to spray some paint now. I chose to build it as 4th panzer division vehicle. Most likely i will go with two color paint scheme, as it seems that painters in this division preferred it over the tricolor one.
Talking about kit itself (ignoring cab issues etc), it is nice kit in the most areas. Except maybe some loose fit issues (such as wheels and flak gun cradle), and of course lack of logic in the instructions. For example, when assembling gun, it is worth to start with the triangular base (it is actually one of the last steps in the assembly). This way, you will have stable base to assemble and detail this very nice looking gun. But if you will fallow instructions, you will end up with gun assembly that cannot be placed on table without rolling and otherwise attempting to break some tiny parts off... Has tons small parts, that aren't realy enjoyable to clean up, and to be honest, this high number of parts doesn't really affect final look or level of the details much. For example ammunition boxes could have easily be molded as 2 piece, instead 3 piece. Another observation i have, is the shape of molds is very conical in Bronco kits. This is especially evident in compressed air cylinders. Yes, those cylinders that are supposed to be missing from the kit, but they are marked on the sprues as "unused". The only thing missing is their brackets, but this can be easily sorted with thin styrene strip. So talking about conical molds, you can clearly see that cylinders are conical, not tubular. If Bronco would chose to mold it in 2 halves (instead 3 part affair they did) there would be no "conical issues". There are more fit issues, that can be avoided by simply gluing fighting platform to cab floor before assembling cab and fenders. Altho this is almost impossible to foresee, this will prevent gaps and fit issues later on, when you will try to mate cab to fighting platform. For example rear wall of the cab has very "liberal" position when assembling the cab, but the position becomes obvious once you have joined the pieces. Same is with fighting platform fenders. They can be displaced quite easily, resulting in bad fit between large sub-assemblies. Overall, great kit. But instructions and engineering issues make me think that Dragon kits are great once again. Too expensive, but still great