Last few months of 2017 were very busy for me. Between moving and making a career change, I was really burning the candle on both ends. Somewhere in there I was able to find time to finish up painting and weathering.
Keen eyes will notice that the finished model is a Panzer II rather than the Panzer IV I had originally started with. No, I didn't back date the Panzer IV to a Panzer II. Between the enormous parts count, and lack of CLEAR instructions from the Dragon kit, the kit somehow threw itself in the trash. Luckily, I have a health stash of mostly built kits I could pull from.
The paint however, performed very well. The panzer grey color went down very smoothly. I tend to be a little heavy handed with the airbrush preferring to do 1-2 coats of paint rather than 3-4 light coats as some people prefer. Even with my heavy handed approach, the Real Color paint went down smoothly and without issue.

Out of the jar, I felt the panzer grey color to be a little dark for my tastes. So, wanting to experiment a little, I lightened it with some Tamiya flat white. Now I should mention that I am a firm believer in not mixing other manufacturers paints with anything other than the same. But after seeing the AK interactive demo videos and seeing them mix the Real Color paint with other brands, I figured Id give it a try. And to my surprise, the two paints mixed without issue. No separating, no curdling, just a nice even blend of paint as smooth as 2% milk. Having successfully mixed paints for the base color, I decided to do it again for the tracks. Real Color flat black, dunklebraun, and Tamiya flat red were mixed together until I had a mixture that looked like a nice track brown color.
Airbrushing the mixed paints proved to be no different than before. The two different brands of paints sprayed will with no seperation, sputtering, or otherwise unwanted results. I used the AK Real Color High Compatibility Thinner for all my airbrushing.

Rest of the finishing process went without any major issues. I simply clear coated the decals, did a quick wash, and dry brushed the tracks. Pretty mild in terms of weathering, especially for me

After using Ak Interactive's Real Colors, I am very impressed with the new range of paints. The paints come in a wide range of colors and airbrush to a smooth, even finish. The paints brush well, however I recommend thinning with water rather than the high compatibility thinner. Reason being is I found the added thinner will lift any paint you had laid down previously. For those looking to expand their paint arsenal or those merely looking to try a new bottle of paint, AK Interactive's Real Colors line is a great choice.