Mike - OK I’ll look at that although my old partner in crime Mike Koenig (165thspc) is already on board & signed up to rescue me if any of the final images are defective/fixable (I’m not sure which s/ware he’s using now) & I think I can guarantee he won’t be unemployed. Predictable problems will most likely be in background continuity, and the dreaded overhead lines which may need to be “drawn” onto images, to save what’s left of my sanity.
I should also clarify my intention, which is to stay in living colo*r throughout the action. Monochrome’s only an idea if I take that action right through to an aftermath scene i.e. the Reconstruction scene, just for fun trying to replicate it as closely as possible. I’m playing with b&w now just to see particularly how the red translates, although well may you ask what I would do if the red had come out say jet black? No idea, but I think it’s OK anyway & will more closely approximate to 1942 images when in shadow.
I’m still having a fight with myself about those pesky number decals – after shedding several buckets of sweat getting this far towards authenticity it would be plain stupid to settle for bad decals, so I guess I’ll re-run ‘em at the right size this time. Meanwhile the other 2 trams can now go into the paint-shop & I won’t bore y’all with progress shots of that, so maybe I’ll skip next weekend’s update. Besides I’m about to get disconnected for broadband upgrades & judging by local chatter I could be off air for some time