Many thanks guys, seeing as how I was talking about monochrome tones on Jerry’s Odon blog last week I ought to put my money where my mouth was…

Surprising, I was expecting that red to come out much darker. This comparative image is about the lightest I could find…

I’m not sure it proves anything as there are too many lighting & reproduction variables but sometimes it can be revealing...yeech those power lines give me nightmares. As does decalomania, it’s either the ultimate test of sanity or proof of insanity so if you ever see a kit that requires pin-striping…run away. Run far, far away…

I could have spent over a hundred bucks buying enough stripe-sheets to use just the six 0.25mm and 0.5mm ones on the left, but being cheap I calculated I could slice up the thicker stripes too with plenty left over. Initial calculations also showed that black & yellow pinstriping for all three trams requires about 2 metres of stripes cut into 128 separate lines of various lengths…

I’ve since revised that downwards about 33% because in some places both colours have a thin stripe, and then an ultra-thin parallel stripe on the real thing which is just too fine to decal because it disintegrates while being nursed off the carrier paper. To scale, that 2nd stripe needs to be about 0.33 of a millimeter, so for 1/35 purposes it’ll be just one stripe. From scale distance away, double-stripes would be barely distinguishable anyway.

Not happy with my own decals – Custom Hobby Decals reproduced them far too faithfully (the ultimate compliment!), they’re oversize because I failed to properly re-check the proofs before sign-off. Live & learn, I’m way too over it to re-do/re-pay for another set & console myself with the excuses that hardly anyone will know (present company excepted) or care, and did you know it’s a little-known fact that Prague tram-livery painters originally used to make the numbers larger than the restored versions we see today

Yes I need more Mr Mark Softer on that number & yet another touch-up on the panel line above it. I experimented with a pencil line-bordering the yellow panel, tidied up it’s probably the sanest option. I keep reminding myself this is allowed to be the worst tram of the three, seen from furthest away. Progress has been far slower than I’d foolishly thought – e.g. each of the eight doors on this tram needed 4 black & 4 yellow stripes & the first pair alone took me 1.5 hours. So climb aboard, here’s how long I reckon it’ll take to complete painting & decaling all three trams… ear-worm & vintage moving pictures from around ?1972? I know exactly how that guy at 3.43 feels…