Yes those were the days eh Robert Jan, when for a few bucks we could go to gigs without being strip-searched & enjoy great sets like Olivia Newton-John biting the heads off live chickens…uh hang on…
Thanks Glenn it’s a fine line between improv recycling & cheapskating, I’m proudly the latter mainly to compensate for these 3 kits costing me the equivalent of US$60 each for a chassis, half a floor & roof, and some passengers. Anyhow hope you’ll enjoy this ep over your toasted muffins…
Tricky to get forensic detail on the roof elements from available images but I got close enough for purpose. All scratched from the spares box, first step was to audition possible headlight elements…

T34 fuel tanks, Mk IV axles & Tiger smoke dischargers won the day…

No chance of finding this complex cover shape in the box so after several attempts at a template with 0.13mm Evergreen sheet (x2)…

The power arms…

Components review…

Fixtures & fittings…


Like the driver trams I didn’t want a uniform appearance because these vehicles had been tootling around in all weathers for years. Humbrol 32 flat grey enamel followed by skimmed-milk-consistency cheap artist acrylic washes of light beige and then black, lovingly caressed on with a broad soft square brush…

It’s exactly because the pigment quality is so crap that this kind of weathered effect just materialises as it dries…

Semi-final roof assembly, and a daylight screen-test for the roof tones…

Yep total waste of time from street level, but from 1/35 pigeon-cam…

Hmm never thought about some bird poo, it should be everywhere…anyhow the stowed power arms are just resting on their mounts because they’re way too fragile to attach with their cables until post-painting (I’ve already snapped off one of the tow bars)…

So, still awaiting the wheels package…hey Mike when you er Justsentit you didn’t literally mean “ship” it? When they’re installed I’ll have run out of (pre-body-painting) attachable items so I’ve sent some squads of mites into the spray-booth to clear out the dust. Alright it’s just a big cardboard box. Meanwhile, apart from the several hundred redundant items still on sprues in all 3 kit boxes (worth around US$100) here’s what’s left on the bench…

Next project: Death Star with full interior