Wow what happened? I thought I must have sent y’all to sleep & with good reason, thanks so much guys I really appreciate your feedback - especially when it’s so positive. I’m sure you’ve all felt that sinking feeling too from time to time (usually a signal for an urgent vacation) when doubts set in & nothing looks the way it should, so it’s always encouraging when others disagree about that! Maybe it’s a side-effect of what most of us are trying to do, make things look real instead of miniature reproductions - too easy to become delusional when attempting to create illusions.
But enough of Dioramic philosophy. Glenn, Mike, Gareth, Dim – I guess the foregoing’s some kinda response to your comments?! Erwin – yes I think you missed the text in my last post but that’s OK, wait for the next set of photos & I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised

Jerry – thanks I value your eye (both of them actually), I keep oscillating between thinking the house looks OK & then the opposite, so let’s review it after the next update. Brian – that’s exactly what I’d like to happen too if it was deemed worthy.
Alfred – a special thanks to you, I’m very pleased to hear from a “native” and that you think the scene looks authentic. So far so good then, I hope I can get even closer to the genius loci when I’ve completed the big house & backdrops, the trees, etc. Meanwhile please check your message box.
So until this weekend’s episode here’s a teaser…

At last a purpose for old blades, while the glue dries