Would anybody be interested in an Obscure Sherman group build? I am talking about the type of Shermans you rarely,if ever see built in plastic For example
M4E8 (105mm)
Early M50 Israeli Shermans on the V.V.S.S
M7B1 and M7B2 Preists
I was thinking starting sometime late fall That way everyone who is part of any build won't feel too much pressure to join in
Hosted by Darren Baker
Any interest in an Obscure Sherman group buil


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Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 11:15 AM UTC

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Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 11:55 AM UTC


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Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 12:14 PM UTC
How about the Italeri M36B1 Jackson? Sort of a Sherman from the hull down. Or I could do my ancient Revell M4A1E8 with composite hull.


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Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 03:55 PM UTC
Hmmm.... they look really rare to me. Let me find some of them first. Then maybe I'll join


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Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 05:17 PM UTC
I'd be willing to give it a shot!


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Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 10:24 PM UTC
i would be interested,
not bothered if its a campaign or group build, its an excuse to build!
not bothered if its a campaign or group build, its an excuse to build!


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Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 10:41 PM UTC


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Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 11:27 PM UTC
I'm in. I've always got a Sherman on the bench -- the more obscure, the better.


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 12:53 AM UTC
I'd be willing to give it a go. I have never taken part in a group build. I have an idea in my head for a sherman that I want to do. I'll leave it at that for now. You guys will like it I'm sure. I know I went nutso when I first saw pics of it. and the anticipation builds....(insert evil laugh here)
:-) "Q"


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 01:24 AM UTC
Howdy 'Zod,
Like Hollowpoint, I now need no excuse to build a Sherman. Now it's just a matter of interpreting the word "Obscure". I suppose my long term Sherman project 'LuLu' would certainly qualify, but to mash together a quote from you ( " if ever seen built in plastic"), and a statement from Rob, I have also just begun the preliminary work for creating a 'Composite' hull Sherman out of an Italeri M4A1 front end, and a Tamiya M4 rear end (courtesy and thanks to Hollowpoint
). So, I think that would also fit both criteria..........wouldn't it?
If you fellas can point to a Composite hulled Sherman in plastic, please do so.
Oh.....and something that's been running through my head lately (but I've already got too many 'projects' goin' on) and would be a pretty neat "obscure" Shermy, would be the M17 7.2 inch 'Whizbang' Sherman-based rocket launcher platform. The Seventh Army used a couple of them in France.
Just an idea.
Like Hollowpoint, I now need no excuse to build a Sherman. Now it's just a matter of interpreting the word "Obscure". I suppose my long term Sherman project 'LuLu' would certainly qualify, but to mash together a quote from you ( " if ever seen built in plastic"), and a statement from Rob, I have also just begun the preliminary work for creating a 'Composite' hull Sherman out of an Italeri M4A1 front end, and a Tamiya M4 rear end (courtesy and thanks to Hollowpoint

If you fellas can point to a Composite hulled Sherman in plastic, please do so.

Oh.....and something that's been running through my head lately (but I've already got too many 'projects' goin' on) and would be a pretty neat "obscure" Shermy, would be the M17 7.2 inch 'Whizbang' Sherman-based rocket launcher platform. The Seventh Army used a couple of them in France.
Just an idea.


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 01:27 AM UTC
would a composite sherman do?

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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 01:52 AM UTC
Quoted Text
DML's rare Firefly Ic included a composite hull and was kit #9037. This kit also included the 75mm turret so I think a "regular" composite M4 75mm was possible....If you fellas can point to a Composite hulled Sherman in plastic, please do so...
Other than the 1950s era Revell Sherman I have, I think the only other composite hulls have been resin.
Quoted Text
The composite hull had the forward hull of a cast M4A1 and the rear hull was welded like an M4/M4A3/M4A4.would a composite sherman do?


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 02:13 AM UTC
Howdy Rob,
Many thx for the up-tick on the DML kit (didn't know it came with both turrets...nice).
Now, if I could only run down to my LHS and pick one of the buggers up I'd be a happy camper!.......what?.....'rare' you say?......Darn!
So, I suppose it's up to our good member 'Zod to make a ruling on the 'Composite' issue. No worries either way, I was just trying to add more 'joy' to my Tamiya/Italeri cross-breeding efforts by entering it in this potential GB/Campaign.
I can think of something else.........
Wait!!!.......I know. If the Composite is ruled down, I have just recently completed a 'Master' for a PTO Sherman sporting a wading trunk variant that was field-created by the SeaBee's. It uses readily available 55 gal. drums as stacks instead of the usual 'box' style upper portion. Now that should qualify!
Many thx for the up-tick on the DML kit (didn't know it came with both turrets...nice).
Now, if I could only run down to my LHS and pick one of the buggers up I'd be a happy camper!.......what?.....'rare' you say?......Darn!

So, I suppose it's up to our good member 'Zod to make a ruling on the 'Composite' issue. No worries either way, I was just trying to add more 'joy' to my Tamiya/Italeri cross-breeding efforts by entering it in this potential GB/Campaign.
I can think of something else.........
Wait!!!.......I know. If the Composite is ruled down, I have just recently completed a 'Master' for a PTO Sherman sporting a wading trunk variant that was field-created by the SeaBee's. It uses readily available 55 gal. drums as stacks instead of the usual 'box' style upper portion. Now that should qualify!


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 05:56 AM UTC
How bout an M50 based on an M4a4 with Cummins engine ?? Would that do? I think I still have that MP kit somewhere around here .God I'm old ! :-)

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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 06:35 AM UTC
I think it would count, but that kit is a 1990-91 era kit and not really "old". Heck, the Tamiya M4A3 and Italeri M4A1 got that thing beat by a decade at least.
I still have two of the MP HVSS sets, then DML has to go produce all those HVSS Shermans!
I still have two of the MP HVSS sets, then DML has to go produce all those HVSS Shermans!


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 06:48 AM UTC
Dang it - I can't play too!
Everything you guys say 'bout Shermans is obscure to me...



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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 07:04 AM UTC
[quoteOther than the 1950s era Revell Sherman I have, I think the only other composite hulls have been resin.
I know that!
I mean, woukd it work for the campaign?
Quoted Text
The composite hull had the forward hull of a cast M4A1 and the rear hull was welded like an M4/M4A3/M4A4.[/quote]would a composite sherman do?
I know that!


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 07:18 AM UTC
So the way I take this is that if the sherman that I decide to build isnt something that is normally seen its fair game. Is this right or am I missing something? "Q"


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 12:01 PM UTC
I re-read the thread (hey, that rhymes!) and think we may need a little clarification on what is "obscure" as well as how many "rules" we need. Being that this is a group build and not a campaign, the rules can be pretty loose.
This was all Chad's idea, so I'll let him sort out the "rules," but looking at his list of examples, I think I get the gist of what he means by "obscure."
In my mind, "obscure" means prototypes, test bed vehicles, limited prodiuction vehicles, or anything else based on a Sherman that saw no or limited service. This would include very few vehicles that can be built out of the box, i.e., M4A3E2 "Jumbo," M12, M36B1.
It would also mean that folks could expand their horizons a bit think about things like the Canadian Skink, Grizzly and Ram; any of Hobart's Funnies (Crab, DD, facine tank, etc.); or anything else that you just don't see modelled very often, like the M4A1E8, M4A1(75) early, M4A2(75) early and mid, M4A3(75) dry stowage, M4(105), M4(105)HVSS, M4A6 ... this list can be very long. Chad also mentions early Israeli M50s with VVSS -- I don't know much about Israeli armor, so I'll leave that "obscure" call to someone else.
The biggest problem that I foresee with this build is that some people will be lacking reference -- and, as we've already seen, the "Is this obscure enough?" question -- Chad, you ready to answer all of those?
I'd flip a coin on the composite -- they were all over the place, but in Europe they were mostly converted to fireflies and in the Pacific they were 75mm gun tanks or flame tanks. Also, as Rob said, the M4 composite (or hybrid, as the Brits like to call it) is available in kit form from DML in 1/35th, but it is very hard to find.
This was all Chad's idea, so I'll let him sort out the "rules," but looking at his list of examples, I think I get the gist of what he means by "obscure."
In my mind, "obscure" means prototypes, test bed vehicles, limited prodiuction vehicles, or anything else based on a Sherman that saw no or limited service. This would include very few vehicles that can be built out of the box, i.e., M4A3E2 "Jumbo," M12, M36B1.
It would also mean that folks could expand their horizons a bit think about things like the Canadian Skink, Grizzly and Ram; any of Hobart's Funnies (Crab, DD, facine tank, etc.); or anything else that you just don't see modelled very often, like the M4A1E8, M4A1(75) early, M4A2(75) early and mid, M4A3(75) dry stowage, M4(105), M4(105)HVSS, M4A6 ... this list can be very long. Chad also mentions early Israeli M50s with VVSS -- I don't know much about Israeli armor, so I'll leave that "obscure" call to someone else.
The biggest problem that I foresee with this build is that some people will be lacking reference -- and, as we've already seen, the "Is this obscure enough?" question -- Chad, you ready to answer all of those?
I'd flip a coin on the composite -- they were all over the place, but in Europe they were mostly converted to fireflies and in the Pacific they were 75mm gun tanks or flame tanks. Also, as Rob said, the M4 composite (or hybrid, as the Brits like to call it) is available in kit form from DML in 1/35th, but it is very hard to find.


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 12:02 PM UTC
Howdy fellas,
Just checkin' back in.......geeee, I'd a thought this thread would be 'throbbin' with responses...........
O.K., first. I love Rob's response's....I'd love to look at his stash! I might be tempted to Felony Theft!
Every time one of these rare versions of a kit we'd all like to have pops up, you've got it! Man, my 'jealousy' meter is peggin'......
to the bear: I would think almost anything M-50 based would be in the runnin'.......gotta love what the IDF does with 'what-they-have'!
to everyone 'about' Gunnie: Don't be fooled ladies and gents......the Gunnie is 'tricky' that way...he'll lure you into thinking he's not building anything and then Voila!! the bugger has built an 8th Wonder of the World!!.....so keep an eye on our good Gunnie......
Obviously we all need some clarification on this......but my pal 'Zod is probably driving from 'here-to-there' so, let's wait to hear from his lips, what he has in mind.......
'Zod!........you listening??
Just checkin' back in.......geeee, I'd a thought this thread would be 'throbbin' with responses...........
O.K., first. I love Rob's response's....I'd love to look at his stash! I might be tempted to Felony Theft!

to the bear: I would think almost anything M-50 based would be in the runnin'.......gotta love what the IDF does with 'what-they-have'!
to everyone 'about' Gunnie: Don't be fooled ladies and gents......the Gunnie is 'tricky' that way...he'll lure you into thinking he's not building anything and then Voila!! the bugger has built an 8th Wonder of the World!!.....so keep an eye on our good Gunnie......

Obviously we all need some clarification on this......but my pal 'Zod is probably driving from 'here-to-there' so, let's wait to hear from his lips, what he has in mind.......
'Zod!........you listening??


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 01:14 PM UTC
You want to know a real obscure Sherman? One built out of box using kit decals.


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 01:26 PM UTC
Quoted Text
You want to know a real obscure Sherman? One built out of box using kit decals.
Been there, done that a few times, been modeling other stuff ever since.

But if that's what trips your trigger, more power to ya


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 01:52 PM UTC
I have always been interested in Brit Sherman Funnies. This may be a good opportunity.


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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 03:25 PM UTC
Quoted Text
I have always been interested in Brit Sherman Funnies. This may be a good opportunity.
........I dare ya!........



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Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 04:02 PM UTC
And there's lil ole me just finished an M4A3(105)hvss not 3 weeks back
Oh well thinking cap back on.

Oh well thinking cap back on.

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