I actually like most of he available colurs of dunkelgelb i have seen many different shades of the colour
i think with german armour its again a controversial subject to debat th "true" colour of thier camo paints!
i like the MM and the tamiya one
they all have thier applications in modelling
the brighter colour worked well with the hetzer because of the red brown colour ,bieng the only other colour on the vehicle
so it lent a great deal of balance to the subject , if i had used a greener shade the impact would have been lessened and the model would have looked flat! i also add about 20% gloss to my tamiya colours too wich livens the paint up ,
many people tend to forget about scale effect too ,
its always a good idea to add a little white to dunkelgelb , or buff as stated previously,to any colour,
i prefer acrylic any day over enamel , and i still use oils to drybrush ,
it works tremendously well infact ,and it means i can work on one subject all day with out having to allow hours on end for drying times!