Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 07:47 AM UTC
HEllo ,
this a second serie of photos of a building Tha I start in a previous serie
Now the building is almost done.I do the roof with cofee sticks.

Here you can see the back

Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 07:52 AM UTC
Just Great Carlos..I really enjoy watching your buildings progress...You certainly have the gift
Measure Twice...cut once....DOH!
Maryland, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 07:54 AM UTC
You have made some nice progress since your last post. Looking good, I really like the roof-you must have gone through a lot of stirs.
The voices tell me to build more models, MORE MODELS NOW!!!
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 08:17 AM UTC
I'm really deeply impressed... My girlfriend thought it looked like a real building...
Ex- PFC Erwin Leetink, RNLA
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"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon."
ConsigliereFlorida, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 10:40 AM UTC
Carlos, your buildings never cease to amaze me.
Character is what you do when no one is looking.
Few things are harder to put up with than a good example.- Mark Twain
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Nebraska, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 10:47 AM UTC
Congrats Carlos!! you have made another work of art. Thanks for sharing your work and techniques with us. Cheers Kevin
Michigan, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 12:53 PM UTC
That's a great looking facade. What are you going to do to it to finish it?
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 01:37 PM UTC
Thanks - the best shot of all of them is the back side one. It really shows off how you build the structure.
Very well done. The top row of windows is great, very uniform and I love the bottom sill.
Washington, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 03:18 PM UTC
Once again a work of art. The stonework is excellent. I think I need to go to Starbucks for roofing material
Kikladhes, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 05:46 PM UTC
well what to say Carolos, u have turned hobby into real science. Ur building method is so amazing and having so good results. Ure the master of it !!!! please keep on posting every new work
Always look at the bright side of life.....with sun glasses !!!!
Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 07:58 PM UTC
Another work of art Carlos.
On the workbench:
MPC: 1972 Pontiac GTO
Revell: 1965 Mustang
Verlinden 120mm guard of the marine.
Revell: 2010 Camaro
Monogram: 1931 Rolls Royce
Italeri: LVT2 Amtrac
Poznaz, Poland
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 10:15 PM UTC
Very ncie job Carlos!
West-Vlaaderen, Belgium
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 10:54 PM UTC
Awesome! I have a question about the stonework : do you engrave it or cut every stone and stick it to the surface?
Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Monday, March 07, 2005 - 01:38 AM UTC
Thanks for your nice words,
this model is made doing first a cardboard structure and stick in it bits of cork. Every bit is sanded before glued it in the structure.
for ducht nates: this door is inspired in one that exists in Valkenburg
Iowa, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 28, 2005 - 12:27 PM UTC
Why can't you get pins anymore in East germnay?Because they are being sold to Poland as kabob skewers.
A cow pie asks a Trabant: 'What are you?' The trabant say: 'A car!" The cow pie says: "If you're a car , then I'm a pizza!'
Buskerud, Norway
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Posted: Friday, October 28, 2005 - 12:30 PM UTC
I'm not worthy...
Very impressing, Carlos.
Tekirdag, Turkey / Türkįe
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Posted: Friday, October 28, 2005 - 09:36 PM UTC
Great job Carlos, as usual..
Thanks for sharing it.
Connecticut, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 30, 2005 - 04:00 PM UTC
That looks great. What material/technique did you use for the stone behind the cork/"brick", where the outer layer has kinda degraded away. Is that also cork? Kinda looks like a puddy type substance
Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Sunday, October 30, 2005 - 09:01 PM UTC
Hello Chris
this tower has been manufactured this way:
first I made the cardboard structure, like you can see in the picture that shows the part of behind.
to represent the stones it cuts rectangles of cork of different measures, it sands them to give them the stone texture and it glues them to the cardboard structure.
the round stones of the part superior left are made with putty epoxi of two components. I made small balls and I squashed them against the cardboard.
The tiles made them with sticks of removing the coffee
Apply to the whole construction a spackle layer to fill the spaces among the cork to simulate the cement.
I applied a layer of painting of latex base (those used in the schools so that the small children paint) to seal the cork to be able to paint later with aerograf
I hope this explanation helps
Iowa, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 30, 2005 - 10:19 PM UTC
Fine work my friend!
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