Adding anti-slip texture to modern armor
Florida, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 11:45 AM UTC
I have found a new way to add anti-slip texture to modern armor. I wanted to add the ant-slip to my new Academy M1A1 OIF kit hull so it would match the Dragon M1A1 turret that I am using to correct it with. I was going to try Mr. Surfacer, but was leary about pushing it through my airbrush and ruining the airbrush. I have heard some horror stories on that. I decided to try something I found at the local home improvement center. It is a product called Terra Cotta under the American Accents brand made by Rust-oleum. It is a standard spray can that imparts a rough, sand texture on whatever you spray it on. I first taped off the areas I did not want the anti-slip to be on, then simply followed the directions on the can and gave it a few light coats of the Terra Cotta finish. It worked perfectly.
Here are the results:
It only cost me about $4 as well and I still have nearly a full can of the stuff. I am happy as to how it came out and I didn't ruin an expensive airbrush in the process.
Here is a good drawing showing where the anti-slip is applied on an M1A1/A2 Abrams.

Give it a try if you want your modern armor to have the proper anti-slip coating. It would work great on the new Tamiya M1A1/A2 that doesn't have it as well as any other modern piece of armor.
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Singapore / 新加坡
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 12:32 PM UTC
Thanks for sharing mate, great to learn new stuff!
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 12:45 PM UTC
Good Idea Gino, I love using non-modeling "stuff" on models. Thanks for sharing.

New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 01:45 PM UTC
Very nice Gino. I will be interested to see it with paint on and such. So, what part of OIF will this tank be? Which markings will it sport? Doing a dio for it?
Rhode Island, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 01:50 PM UTC
Great idea Gino!

I've seen that stuff in the store and have been scratching my head trying to figure out what I can use it for.
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 01:53 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Very nice Gino. I will be interested to see it with paint on and such. So, what part of OIF will this tank be? Which markings will it sport? Doing a dio for it?
This one will be an OIF 1 USMC Abrams. I plan on diong it up as "Angry American" off the Echelon camo versions decal sheet. Not sure if it will be in a dio or not, we shall see.
Glad all of you like the idea. Hope you use it too, it works great.
Field Artillery --- The KING of BATTLE!!!
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New Mexico, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 03:58 PM UTC
"Tanks" for sharing that tip. Looks good. Out here.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 04:56 PM UTC
Gonna have to pick me up a can of that. I've got a M1A2 waiting in the wings. That'll make a good test body. Thanks.
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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 06:36 PM UTC
Great idea! I must try this. Does Home Depot sell it?
Happy modeling!
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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 07:09 PM UTC

Great idea--only one problem .............a lot of us are on the other side of the "pond". So-- have you tried spraying on a sheet of ..5-10thou ...if it works send me a sheet

....or can you find out who produces it(under what name)on this little remote island

{p-m's to usual addresswithout stamps}
Looks good ....could use that on my "DACHS2" when I build it soon

England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 09:23 PM UTC
Try Hobby craft if theres one near you they some American paints in there or you could try the humbrol aerosols they have something that gives a rough finsh out of a can cant think what it's called but should do the trick pretty much similar to Gino's method
Modelosaurus #10
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Posted: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 09:30 PM UTC
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 01:48 AM UTC
No offense, but... I gave you the info. Your turn to do some research and find what its equivelant is in the UK. Sorry, gotta do some work yourself.
Field Artillery --- The KING of BATTLE!!!
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Alabama, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 03:08 AM UTC
Gino, thats a great suggestion...seems to be fast, easy and no wear and tear on the ol'AB is a big plus.
One question, does the paint have any effect on the styrene/plastic from any kind of heat generated by the chemical reaction-drying process?
Thanks again for the tip.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 03:19 AM UTC
Quoted Text
One question, does the paint have any effect on the styrene/plastic from any kind of heat generated by the chemical reaction-drying process?
No reaction that I can tell. It dries quickly as well, almost as fast as you can put it on. No heat on drying either.
Field Artillery --- The KING of BATTLE!!!
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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 03:22 AM UTC
Nice idea thanks for sharing. Like some of the others I have seen that stuff at the Depot when doing various home improvements and I never connected it could be used to do that. Good idea!
Rob Feehan
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 04:03 AM UTC
Thanks for the tip, Gino. Looking forward to seeing the progress shots.
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California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, September 04, 2005 - 06:29 AM UTC
gino, have a question on this stuff, do you have to be at a certain distance to spray this stuff on the model???
Thanks for the idea.
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Sunday, September 04, 2005 - 07:04 AM UTC
Quoted Text
gino, have a question on this stuff, do you have to be at a certain distance to spray this stuff on the model???
Thanks for the idea.
No, just use like any other spray paint, about 8-12 inches away.
Field Artillery --- The KING of BATTLE!!!
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Arizona, United States
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Posted: Sunday, September 04, 2005 - 07:43 AM UTC
Is this so it doesnt slip out of your hands... lol :-) :-) Looks good so far Gino.
Lisboa, Portugal
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Posted: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 - 05:21 PM UTC
Being a rookie in armor building (I used to make 1/72 planes 15 years ago) I tried my own method of creating anti slip on my Bradley.
I didn't want to use Mr. Surfacer because of the possibility of ruining my airbrush.
So I decided to try another method : wood glue (water soluble)
I masked the areas with tape anda applied white wood glue with a very fine sponge. In fact the sponge was stolen from the kitchen and it has very fine cells.
The result is awesome and the best part of it all is that you can correct erros just by washing with water before the glue dries completely.
After applying primary and paint the glue will be sealed and the anti slip look is very sacale like.
Hope it helps
Lisboa, Portugal
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Posted: Friday, February 03, 2006 - 04:51 AM UTC
Here you have some details of the final effect of my home made anti slip
Bradley Florida, United States
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Posted: Friday, February 03, 2006 - 06:17 AM UTC
Looks like it will work, but it still looks too smooth to me. The Rust-Oleum has a more sandy texture to it. Good idea though.
Field Artillery --- The KING of BATTLE!!!
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Lisboa, Portugal
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Posted: Friday, February 03, 2006 - 06:05 PM UTC
The photos soften the effect a bit. I would say it's like 100-80 grit sand paper
California, United States
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Posted: Friday, February 03, 2006 - 08:48 PM UTC
I agree w/Gino on this one, the glue does tend to give it some texture, but not enough. Look at us, trying anything and everything to get something right until we are satisfied, and thats not easy in our hobby.

"Our job is not to forgive them, thats gods job. Our job is only to arrange the meeting." General Norman. Scharwzkopf