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PS> I have a pic somewhere of a LRDG Chev similar to this one which was recovered from the desert within the last 5 or so years and it appears in better condition paintwise then this one.
This vehicle is in the Imperial War Museum in Lambeth. I've seen it, & Cliff is right, after 50 years in the desert, the paintwork is still there, even the tyres were quite dark as I remember, though obviously hardened by the sun. I'd recommend a visit.
As regards the blue, I'm fine with this, this seems to have been a grey colour when applied, but bleached to a sky blue. It was a standard British colour anyway, cf Matilda IIs ( which I think has a grey sripe & a blue), so would be readily available.
As regards the US 30 calibre, this doesn't look quite right to me. Surprisingly enough, LRDG vehicle weren't that heavily armed, their role was more recce & observation than fighting, that role was more the SAS one. In the old film "Sea of Sand", I think one or two of the lorries have a Vickers on them, but that's the film industry so I don't know how accurate that would be.
I always assumed the rolls on the mudguards were heavy canvas for "unditching" rather than ticking bedrolls.