Real's been pointed out to me that I have been getting my feet way too 'wet' lately in regards to my modeling endeavours, an effort to squelch these heinous rumours I submit for your consideration another truck-based Campaign/Build.
Below you'll find a handful of pics, both WW II-era, and Modern to {hopefully} get your juices flowing. I suppose the bottom line is; if there's any interest this idea will grow wings.....if not, we can all drink a toast to a good idea gone unattended.....

This one's for you 'Roo

Here's the pics....
This first one's of a captured British Scammell Pioneer R100 6 x 4 Heavy Artillery Tractor serving with the German Wehrmacht aboard a railcar. What's of special note is the rare evidence of the German late-war two-tone/three-tone camoflage scheme.......

This next one's of special note because of it's configuration. It is again a captured British Crossley IGL8 with a Coles Mk. VI crane mounted truck in Wehrmacht service .......

Now, on the modern side, here are a couple of photos from Iraq showing in living colour some of the more interesting evolutions of the term "GunTruck"...
First one up is this Darth Vader looking FMTV vehicle which appears to be of flatbed configuration when this photo was taken. I'm not quite sure how efficient this type of applique armour would be visually, but I must say it certainly looks meaner than a junkyard dog!

And finally, an actual Iraq based Guntruck, using the 'Biggie' sized M1070 Super HET as it's platform. Now this one's cool ladies and gents!!.....

Tell me what you think all, and especially you 'Roo, and of course you animal, and how could I forget our own Gunnie......are you guys there??.......

P.S. Told ya I'd get this posted tonight Cliff....

Post P.S. There's more photos where these came from............