A few pic's of an 'in between' commission I'm nearly done with.
A fitter at the truckdealership which maintains our trucks is a Military Vehicle Preservation entuasiast, and amongst other things (such as a Centurion...

The model is the Revell kit, OOB, finished in the camouflage of his own vehicle (Doh..) Left to do now is the name on the side, registration no. plate, flags etc, than a light wash and little drybrush to bring out the details. No heavy weathering, as his vehicle doesn't 'get out much' other than regular shows. I'll be mounting it on a base with the spade dug in a mount of earth, as in the fireing position. He'll supply an Artillery capbadge to mount on the base aswel.
I have read about the kit tracks being wrong, but he recons that they are the same as on his vehicle, and is happy with them. They will be finished in a rather rusty look, as his vehicle is stored outside on a lowloader (Scammel, yes..) and the tracks are rusty. That'll be the only real weathering I'll be doing on this one.
Tonight I'll finish the lettering and etc, and hope to be able to finish the tracks. It will have a 203mm shell on the loading tray aswel.