OK, Craig, here's my checklist for you. Some of it has already been mentioned by others.
1. Jacket. If I remember right, flak crews had a jacket similar to what tankers have. I will check when I go home and let you know. The seam on the back of the right arm is the original jacket seam, can't see anything on the left arm.
2. Badges & patches. I assume you will add 'em later?
3. Helmet. Looks good.
4. MG34. Why'd you take the butt off? Won't it be hard to fire without a tripod?
5. MP40. The folding stock is a bit too straight in relation to the receiver and barrel. It should have a slight angle, like on an AK. I know Harrison claims no machine-gunner would carry an SMG, but who can say? Veteran soldiers would pick up whatever did the job best, including enemy weapons, so it's upto you.
6. Paintjob. Uniform looks shiny and weathering a bit heavy-handed. Didn't the Luftwaffe wear blue trousers as well? Not too sure if I'm right though. Eyes look too big. Work on the eyelids to narrow them down. Don't use pure white, and tone down the eyeballs. That might help. I don't know if it's the photograph, but the head with the spectacles looks like it has no mouth. You need to work on that. I've got this fig halfdone, and here's the head if it helps:
7. Pose. I know the head isn't glued on yet, but the neck looks a wee bit too long. Maybe you could sand down the base of the neck. The spectacles need a bit of work as in lenses. The left hand isn't gripping the MG correctly.
That's all I can see. Don't be discouraged by all the criticisms, that's what the RRB is for. Good luck and have fun.