I've been wanting to do a Saving Private Ryan Dio since the movie came out. I finally began a few months ago when I got the AFV Clubs Late Tiger 1. The AFV Club Tiger has a working suspention system so I wanted to do the scene where Miller, Ryan and Ryben(thanks alan) are startled as the Tiger appears full speed over a mound of Rubble.
My Problem..... I made the base.....
Then I used the Verlinden technique of painting the base in a black sand and umber mix. which is very dark.
I have a copy of the SPR Movie book which has full page colour stills from the set and it shows the ground being covered in rocks and very uniform in colour..... I've done this....
Apart from rushing the figure paint.... I'm not happy with the figures so feel free to Crit them all you want.... I'm hopeless with US uniforms.
I want to know how to fix the ground work colour. It's had washes in raw umber, a brown pastel wash, drybrushed with multiple shades of khaki drill 72 and it still looks wrong, The rubble bricks and door have been picked out in there colours and there are some grey cobblestones here and there but in the flesh it looks wrong...... Help!!!!!!! before I go nuts.
It's not finished so don't mention the tracks, with are Academy individual links that are taking some time as the tiger is going over some very rough ground and I'm doing stages so the tracks are rock solid before I paint and weather them.