Hi Dave ...........Nice work, it's coming along nicely. I always wanted to do a Steyr myself and seeing your photo's really has me contemplating that very idea right now. The "radio car " is an excellent choice because there's so much you can do to it with accessories.
Have you ever seen the Steyr "Radio Car " that Francois Verlinden did, in one of his book's ? ( I can't recall which "Building Military Vehicles " volume it was ) It's really awesome and chuck full of equipment ( AM accesories ) !One thing ......... I see you like to add your AM accessories while building, and then paint it all together ( unless that's just for fitting purpose ). As I rather paint my accessories and then add them in................but hey, we all have our own preferences and you do what your most comfortable with
I hope you will post some new pic's when your Steyr is finished. I really would
like to see them. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !
- ralph