Brian (thedutchie) Broerse came up with an excellent idea, so let's get it rolling right here and now.
Proposed is to follow a similar format to the Figure Painting classes, as in a 'teacher' taking a particiular subject and running with it. I'll throw out a few ideas, see what you think and give me your thoughts and suggestions please.
I don't think we should run to many of these classes at the same time.. perhaps two or three, using different mediums. The idea being that people follow and 'copy' the teacher, which may be a bit much if there a multiple classes running at the same time.
Start at the beginning, with a basic class 'how to paint an AFV', focusing if you will on those basic questions like 'to prime or not to prime' and properly thinning paint. This would be a class to give the grounding needed to create the later effects. It is surprising how many people (including sometimes myself

Next start with a class for the various paint effects, Plain OD or Dunkelgelb, Three tone camouflage, Mickey Mouse or Ambush... again, just the basics, leaving weathering to a later class..
Then follow with different classes for the various weathering techniques
And probably a class to show how to use Future and microsol and the like to apply Decals without silvering.
The reason I'm thinking about small classes about one technique at the time is that we can than add them all together as a 'Complete Guide to...' later, and it will be easier for people to find and use just what they neeed/want.
So, if you have any questions, suggestions or if you want to volunteer, drop me a PM or reply in this post please.
added suggestions
-One more thing I think might be helpfulfull would be to discuss any brands of paints used and their pros & cons.
# Whoever volunteers to br one of the teachers should make sure he has a good camera to show good clear pics about whatever step he's explaining.
#Also, he should approach this as if he is talking to someone who doesn't know anything at all about the subject, so he should explain every step and every term used.
-How about some video as well as pictures? Not talking studio quality, just simple short video's. Good example would be for thinning, show how the paint should flow once thinned properly. Would come across better in video format than static pictures I think.
Use a webcam, digital camera or video camera as long as it's video. If anyone needs help editing, I can help there since I can't teach how to paint. lol
-One word of advice I would like to give any would be leaders is TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES.
I found that when making my painting classes on the figure forum, the thing that people responded to most favorably was the number of pictures I included in my steps. A picture is worth 1000 words (a good picture that is).
Also, as someone had eluded to in this thread, make sure to explain your steps as if you were talking to someone who was brand new to the hobby. Don't think you will come across as patronizing. People appreciate simple, clear instructions.
I would be willing to demonstrate some oil painting techniques on armor. It would come later in the process of painting after laying down your base colors.