Great Start Sticky:
That cart. . . you scratch built it? . . . is killer. Fer me, 'er
in ma' view. . . it will score way up there, as in
Rocky Mountain "high" on the eye candy
specto-tro-monitor, dude. I have an idea that may be
just kinda' "silly" and without merit. If it were me, I'd
paint the cart and the wall, since you've previously
painted the road/base BEFORE I decide what else I'd
put in the setting and what colors I'd use. Oh yeah,
here I go again — we old retired Jayhawkers repeat
ourselves a lot, eh? . . . what? young whippersnapper
— wih that "sermon" on the importance of harmony.
Ah yes, that word harmony, as in color harmony. . .
Keep us posted, Sticky