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Both are blue-tan-grey, but there it ends. One has five equally wide stripes y-b-y-b-y and a yellow spinner and the other has a wide yellow stripe with black edges, and on to pf that - a red spinner.
Hi Tony! You might get some help at http://www.wings48.com/Mustang.shtml. Lots of profiles and pictures of Israeli Mustangs. Both stripe versions seem to have been applied. This one, for example, with napalm bombs and 5" rockets under the wings, was stationed at Tel-Nof in 1956.
I hope that the site gives you enough info. Otherwise, the other guys in our Mustang building community should be able to help!

Longknife also wrote:
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By the way, I found an old pic of british Sea Furys and Fairey Fireflies with stripes! Could that be from here, or was that Korea?
I don't think they were part of the Suez campaign, I'm afraid. Check here.
18Bravo wrote:
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I knew I'd end up going with the Trumpeter 1/24 version.
That's just so cool! I'm really looking forward to some progress shots of that one! It must be huge! :-)