excellent work. Did you use several shades of OD to get the faded paint look, or is that all from the wash/drybrush? I tried doing this on an M5 and it looks like it rode through a cement factory. I'll post some pics soon, maybe you all can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Hong Kong S.A.R. / 繁體 Joined: June 19, 2002
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You are right, I used different shapes of OD. First, I sprayed the overall a flat black Second I sprayed OD as a cloud pattern. Third, I mixed the OD with Flat Flesh XF15 or Yellow, ratio is abt 50% of each color. Then I sprayed the mixture on the kit. Afterward, I washed the kit with a mixture of Black(50%)and Burnt Sienna(50%). At the end, I drybrushed the kit again with OD. Hope this helps.
Steve Pig#6
Steve, Sushi and Pig #6
Always smile smile and smile
Christchurch, New Zealand Joined: May 01, 2002
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