Hi all , very remiss of me not being on but have been busy with Telford (majic) and some club business ...not to mention the dreaded *LURGIES *...must be on third set ------but enough of my death-bed sojourn
Guess you are all beavering away .....

:-) ....so lets have an up -date please before we get lost in the CRIMBLE festivities...yep nothing gets done in December :-) ---been there
Klaus --looking good --see you have surmounted the mantlet cover issue .....bit late now for me to say --but did you ever think of tissue ---I use "kitchen roll" and it comes up nice as "canvas" when painted --just a thought
Rich ....that is the best ever little" monster "to get anyone started on scratching ---it has everything thats required --from slab sides --angles --and funny sized cuts --brilliant ....looking fine
Hope to get back to the bench this week ---see what I have lying around --[only about 14 part builds

]...or even something new
Well th BARV's have gone to their new homes ---not quite as planned but "ces la vie"---pic of Barv 1 being handed over at the REME Museum ---

ME(?)--Brian Baxter (Historical Curator) and BARV --Museum Director : Lt Col IWJ Cleasby MBE
----hope to get pic from ATTURM -of BARV 2 when it is "cased"
PLEASE --stick a progress pic or two on --and **keep scratching**