Helga is on full alert!!!! You have been listed as an upstart and a rutter of the other sty! The hearts of our mothers, mothers, mothers,baby's,cousin's tonsels remain in utter debluberance(nice word,huh? I just made it up). I have had my heart ripped out and thrown on the floor, stomped by a rat, picked up and chewed and throw to a ravenous pitbull before, but at least they waited till after i paid for a meal and a movie! What that really has to do with this post...I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!....but stop trying to side track me from my obligation of pointing out that this is niether tracked,armoered,or pokemon (yet again, what that has to do with this post, I HAVE NO IDEA). Your skills are considerable-in modelling as well as divertion. Your colorful interpetation of the cockpit is well received by us as well as the interpetation of J.R.R Tolkiens "The Two Towers as played by Elmer Fudd and Martha Stewart" but your willy ways are once again taking me onto another track.We shall keep an eye and spatula on you,my friend! Oh Yes! Your every move will be under scrutiny! Your vevery breathe shall be measured! Your shoelace is untied! HAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!