The paint and weathering steps.
Step 1, a flat black primer followed by a base coat of MM dark green and MM leather for the tracks all applied with airbrush. a slight fading of the panels with lightened dark green.

step 2, a filter in the manner of a wash useing yellow ochre.

step 3, drybrushing of the tracks with "shadowed steel".

step 4, gloss coat and decals followed by another gloss coat to seal them in.

Step 5, wear and tear added using van dyke brown and a scrap of scouring pad.

step 6, a wash of van dyke brown.

step 7, streaks added using black and white oil paints dotted on with a toothpick then brushed downwards with a thinner damp brush until almost gone.

step 8, a mud coloured wash added all over.

step 9, pigments drybrushed on the tracks and running gear followed by dullcote and another drybrushing all over with shadowed steel.

step 10, tools painted and a tow cable added plus a log and chain and tarp then finished off with some more pigments and spot washes here and there to blend it all together and shes done.

Thanks for looking in and all comments are welcome.