Thursday, December 27, 2012 - 02:08 AM UTC
A posting on their Facebook page, show some upcoming new kits for 2013 from AFV Club.
AFV Club has posted a bit of a holiday treat on their Facebook page, showing a few upcoming kits for the New Year. Unfortunately not a lot of detail, but some interesting looking kits on the way, including another version of the Churchill, a Marine amphibious assault vehicle, and a very interesting figure set.

AF35S54 – Churchill Mk.III w/QF 75mm Mark.V Gun
AF35109 – M109A2 Howitzer
AF35158 – German Hunting Crew – 5 figures
AF35227 – AEC Armoured Command Vehicle Dorchester
AF35228 – Volkswagen Schwimmwagen 128
AF35263 – Sd.Kfz.263 8-Rad
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Ye ain't a tough guy until ye painted a MERDC scheme on a mersheen. "Red Rocks" Farrell, member of the Whyos gang
DEC 28, 2012 - 08:14 AM
http://armorama.kitmaker.net/forums/201312&page=1 HTH Frenchy
DEC 28, 2012 - 09:35 AM
Personally, I'm really looking forward to their M109A2. Lately, I've found myself buying more AFV Club models then any other manufacture. Joel
DEC 28, 2012 - 09:48 AM
I just wish they would be the ones to make a M992
DEC 28, 2012 - 03:53 PM
Ye ain't a tough guy until ye painted a MERDC scheme on a mersheen. "Red Rocks" Farrell, member of the Whyos gang[/quote] I do paint MERDC. It's just that every time I do the model in MERDC it ends up in the bottom of the wastebasket, or worse, in my cabinet of shame.
DEC 30, 2012 - 11:24 AM
Ye ain't a tough guy until ye painted a MERDC scheme on a mersheen. "Red Rocks" Farrell, member of the Whyos gang[/quote] I do paint MERDC. It's just that every time I do the model in MERDC it ends up in the bottom of the wastebasket, or worse, in my cabinet of shame.[/quote] My tank commander would have been quite upset if I binned his tank after applying the MERDC paint, since vehicles were often painted by the individual crews there is no wrong pattern. One unit I was in had it done by the maintaince battalion and there was still quite a bit of varience between tracks. If you think its hard to get the pattern on 1/35 scale try 1/1. Some of the real ones came out really bad, it all mattered on how much the crew cared. TC
DEC 31, 2012 - 08:48 AM
Ye ain't a tough guy until ye painted a MERDC scheme on a mersheen. "Red Rocks" Farrell, member of the Whyos gang[/quote] I do paint MERDC. It's just that every time I do the model in MERDC it ends up in the bottom of the wastebasket, or worse, in my cabinet of shame.[/quote] My tank commander would have been quite upset if I binned his tank after applying the MERDC paint, since vehicles were often painted by the individual crews there is no wrong pattern. One unit I was in had it done by the maintaince battalion and there was still quite a bit of varience between tracks. If you think its hard to get the pattern on 1/35 scale try 1/1. Some of the real ones came out really bad, it all mattered on how much the crew cared. TC [/quote] Hi Tom! It's not the pattern that's throwing me off. It's the colours that I used to use that looked way off. Of course, I've heavily changed my modus operandi for painting and priming since then. I may give MERDC another try with a refurbished USMC M60A1 with ERA in the future.
JAN 03, 2013 - 06:46 AM
Someone makes a MERDC acrylic paint set. I think it is Lifecolor. EDIT: Yes, it is Life color: LINK
JAN 03, 2013 - 07:05 AM
I guess I could possibly give that a shot.
JAN 04, 2013 - 05:18 AM

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