Sunday, March 06, 2016 - 03:20 PM UTC
Another good news for Russian small scale fans, a Long Track radar from W-Model
The P-40 was a highly mobile radar system developed and fielded by the Soviet Union during the 60's.
It used the AT-T artillery tractor with tracked chassis, and weighted 35 tons.
In 1965 the P-40 gained the GRAU designation 1S12 as it was adopted as the target acquisition radar of the 2K11 Krug mobile anti-aircraft defence system, which is available also from W-Models
The kit is expected to be available in March, with resin parts, photo etch detail and a photo etch mesh
It used the AT-T artillery tractor with tracked chassis, and weighted 35 tons.
In 1965 the P-40 gained the GRAU designation 1S12 as it was adopted as the target acquisition radar of the 2K11 Krug mobile anti-aircraft defence system, which is available also from W-Models
The kit is expected to be available in March, with resin parts, photo etch detail and a photo etch mesh
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