The hobby has been seeing a lot of new innovations in regards to marking our models. Whether they are decals, dry transfers, or the latest and greatest, stencils, there are a variety of ways to apply markings to our models. The newest item I have found is from Lion Roar. Metal stencils that allow the builder to apply the markings by spraying them on, thereby achieving a very realistic appearance. No worries about silvering decal film, or tearing a dry transfer. If the paint job is botched, it’s a simple matter of re-applying a quick shot of paint, letting it dry and re-trying for the preferred result.
I purchased my stencil sets at Compleat Games and Hobbies here in Colorado Springs, but I’m sure they can be found thru online stores and other hobbies shops. I bought two sets, LAM004 Marks for US Military Vehicle and LAM049 Marks for US Military II, at $14 a piece. Both feature thin photo-etch metal cut-outs of circles, stars, US Army, USMC, USA, multiples of numbers 1-0 and letters “A-Z”.
The MAL049 set had larger circles and stars on it. Both sets have the triangle commonly seen on armored vehicles unit markings. I used mine for painting some Japanese markings (meatball) on an N1K1 George I had built. Using them is simple; Just remove from the photo etch fret, add some masking tape around the edges, position on the model, and then paint. It’s that simple and the results are great, but be careful when handling them as they can easily be bent out of shape. I recently purchased a similar set for German armor, look for a review on that shortly. Thanks to my understanding wife for the purchase!
Highs: Ease of use. Can be used more than once.Lows: Easy to bend out of shape.Verdict: A nice and easy way of marking your models. Allows for personlization.
James, Thanks for the kudos. They are a great addition to the work bench. Just wish I had the time and models being built that needed them. Currently lots of aircraft on the bench awaiting their "turn" as it were. I think I am going to grab an old armor piece to use as the demo model for test driving these stencils. The german ones are way cool. Stay tuned for that review. Hopefully I can get it knocked out in the next couple of days while my decals are drying on my aircraft! Thanks, "Q"
I have a set or two of the stencils from various companies, and have always been hesitant about using them, as I'm not sure how they conform over curved hoods, etc.
I can see taping the edges, but doesn't the center points of the stars raise?
Maybe a little rubber cement on the back?
I found that the small sealable plastic baggies work great for holding these things after removing them from their fret. The baggies I like are the small ones that I found in the jewelry making section of a local Hobby Lobby. I'm sure there are other places to find them. Cost is great too. I think I paid about $2 for 100 count stack. Enough to last me a good long while. "Q"