Where Armorama group builds can be discussed, organized, and updates posted.
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Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 - 11:33 AM UTC
Hi Jan

OK, if you have room for one more, I'm in.

Will be building RPM kit 72307 Aufkl Pz Wg P 204 (f)

Will start the build in the next week or so.

Where is the forum to post sprue picss etc ? Can you paste a link

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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 - 01:27 PM UTC
Neil, there is always room for one more "enlightened" individual and welcome. For your sprue shots and progress pictures, just post them in this thread as you would in the Braille forum. The only difference is with finished pictures and I will post about them when they are needed.

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Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 - 09:42 PM UTC
Hello Jan and participants

here is my entry

its the RMP kit number 72307, Aufkl Pz Wg P 204 (f)

These were ex french army Panhard Armoured Cars, used by the german army. These were used for anti partisan duties & scouted ahead of armoured trains. They could be converted back to rubber tyres for road use in 20 minutes (there is a war time newsreel on You Tube that shows this).

I chose this as it will go with my other armoured train cars and draisines

Below is the box and sprues

I'll be getting started on this one on the weekend


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Posted: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 04:43 AM UTC
@Korpse - Ohhh Noooo!!!!! Not another armoured railroad contraption! Actually, that kit looks pretty interesting and seems to have a decent number of parts compared with some of the simpler ones that you've built.

With Korpse and Lacota enlisting that brings our numbers up to 39 participants. The chart at the top of this page has been amended to reflect the new additions.

With reviews that I have been working on and the painting of a PzH 2000 and other commitments I have been ignoring my builds. Hopefully I will have time today to further work on the Su-76i. I have a base coat on part of it and a few more parts to put on. As that project is resin I need to use CA glue and wouldn't you know it but it seems to have gone bad. It's supposed to dry in 15 seconds but when I repaired the left track on the SU it took forever and a day to dry. Plus instead of flowing like water it is exhibiting a "stringy" quality like tube gel glue. Off to the LHS for a fresh bottle. Hope to have some progress pictures up shortly.

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Utah, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 08:54 AM UTC
Wow, our numbers are growing and builds are progressing. Nice work everyone.

After a week on business in sunny San Diego and then making preparations for the impending holiday I have gotten behind in not just one campaign, but three! Hopefully with this 4 day weekend I can catch up and post some progress pics. That is if I’m not enlisted to slice and dice in the kitchen or whisked off in search of bargains while fighting the throngs in the stores.

Now where did I put that panic button?...
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Posted: Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 01:47 AM UTC
Okay then, statement of intention time...

Not only will I finish some kits, I will also submit photos and actually get a campaign medal this time!

For me this campaign is all about taking those 'almost, but not quite, maybe one of these days' kits and finishing them off. I haven't decided what to submit yet, I've got a shameful number of 1/72 & 1/76 armour kits waiting in varoius stages of completion. Maybe I'll kick off with the ones requiring the least work (add the lights and little breakable bits then finish the paint job), and work back to the 'labours of love' (like the Matchbox Churchill bridge-layer that I decided to scratch build a new bridge for... it's so old it's the original 3 colours version!).
If this campaign gets some of my kits finished my wife will probably offer a large cash donation as way of thanks (perhaps not!!).

Happy building!!
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Posted: Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 05:38 AM UTC
I've signed up, and I'm thinking about what to work on. A lot of my kits as mentioned earlier are 'almost there' so they probably won't be my 'official' entries. I'm guessing that 'adding a couple of bits to a couple of kits' would negate the point of the campaign (except that I'm getting quite excited at the idea of seeing some of those 'been there forever' projects finally finished).

I was a bit of a non-starter with the Matchbox campaign (utterly wrong! I started loads of different kits... just never finished 'em) so some of those could show themselves here as well.

Howsabouts I get a couple of 'in progress' shots of the Revell Wespe that I'm currently working on, and then go from there. I'm also thinking about the option to repair a fallen hero, I've got a Diamond T that could be resurrected with some TLC and superglue, surely it deserves to live on! Come to think of it there's the Airfix Scammell Tank transporter that's also shed a few parts, they'd make a nice pair. Half finished Dragon Wagon, half finished Famo and trailer, nearly finished Elephant transporter that I totally bottled out of painting... maybe there's a transporter theme developing here?

Time to stop talking and start building!

Good luck guys!
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 06:03 AM UTC
@naimbrain A hearty welcome to you, John. From your postings I would say that you are definitely motivated and in the proper frame of mind. Truth be told, it was my SWMBO that "urged" me to include a finishing of forlorn models in this campaign. She, as yours, was obviously thinking about the "wreckers yard" that passes as a workbench for some of us. As for your wife's offer of financial remuneration for getting you to complete kits, just let me know and I'll forward banking deposit transit information.

With all you potential choices there must be at least one that you are "itching" to complete. This could be your start build and when finished entice you to carry on and finish more of them. If you have not seen the Matchbox Campaign Feature you can go there for inspiration. LINK On the linked page are three separate Churchill AVRE builds. Further, Dangeroo was one of the builders and he is also a member of this campaign and I am sure would be happy to answer any questions you might have..

I cannot advise you as to where to start but I can encourage you to start. Just post a picture of a kit in its current state and proceed from there. I will add your callsign to the master chart and put you down as "Finishing."


EDIT: Chart at the top of page 11 has been updated to reflect the enlistment of John, our 40th member.
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Posted: Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 07:21 AM UTC
As promised, a small photo update. The SU-76i is slowly coming along. The process was not helped by the fact that working with resin can be a pain. It is more difficult to cut than styrene and seems to only hold together with CA glue. The fit of the parts is hardly the best and a person that knows about these things informed me that it was probably amongst the last castings made with a worn out mould.

Anyway, the suspension is attached, I cleaned up some troubled areas and I had to use a razor saw to cut and separate the fuel drums. They looked more like one long drum as opposed to two separate ones.

The main gun is only held in place by "blue-tack." Next up is to drill some holes for the front headlights and see whatever additional details I can find from the spares box. I'll also have to see about what to do about the hand crank on the back as I damaged it while cutting the drums.

The StuG III is also coming along with the left suspension complete and the tracks starting to be put on. Pictures of that monster after I get a bit more put together. At least completing these two derelicts has the SWMBO happy.

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Ohio, United States
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Posted: Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 09:03 AM UTC
I'm the slow starter as usual, and finally pulled a kit from the stash today, one of the Aber 1/72 Shermans. It's the profipack that includes a nice sheet of (very tiny) PE. This'll be an OOB build for me, wish me luck

BTW, lots of great builds in this thread already, and they're definitely motivating me to get started...
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Friesland, Netherlands
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Posted: Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 09:32 AM UTC
Hey Mark, nice to see another Benno's Figures Forum member here

Good luck with your build, reminds a lot of my own, I think our kits even share some of the same sprues.

The Achilles is progressing slowly. So I find the photo etched stuff a pain the behind, and I haven't even started with the resin parts. The lower hull has had it's basic coat of dark green. I'm painting the tank in Vallejo US Dark green (095).

Painting the lower hull first is necessary so I can put the tracks on, which have to go on before the bottom plate of the upper hull is placed. With that plate, it is simply impossible to put the tracks on. Update pic:

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 10:34 AM UTC

Quoted Text

firstcircle You truck is coming along and you must be quite happy that it might finally be finished.

Ah, Jan, were you suggesting that I was somehow not enjoying this kit, or was it a reference to the fact that, on previous form, I might have another year to go . . .

Quoted Text

taking those 'almost, but not quite, maybe one of these days' kits and finishing them off.

And that is exactly what we have here. This is only about 8 years old, quite young compared to some. A number of pictures, as a celebration for finally completing it, plus the fact that it came out slightly better than I thought. That was despite a certain lack of effort which is evident in things like the lack of any fuel hoses, not provided in the kit, and frankly I couldn't be bothered to make some from black pvc coated wire like one could, and that hole on one side which some lever is meant to go in, but that didn't seem to be in the kit either, so I blanked it with a piece of rod. In my defence, I did add some canvas texture round the back of cab, and even managed to squeeze in a windscreen and some wipers.

Finish was completed with some black / brown washes of various shades, plus some pastels. The base is one I made for a Matchbox PzKpfw II in about 1980, the tank and the stone cross fell off years ago, so here it is put to good use once more.

Excuse the use of the table background, somehow the lighting being darker and browner looked much better than a plain light backdrop.

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Ohio, United States
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Posted: Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 04:08 PM UTC
Hi Maurice,
Same here, and good luck with your build. You've got quite a headstart on me

@ firstcircle,
Great truck. I really like the paintjob you did on that one. Maybe a little clean up on the edges of the base (see first picture)?
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Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 09:27 PM UTC
Hello all

so much great work going on in this thread that it would take me two hours to comment on it all

I'll just confine myself to one comment on the most recent pictures of the fuel truck (@ firstcircle)

What a great finish you achieved on the fuel truck. Lots of depth and variety of shade. It rocks !

My build is now underway.

No great advances, but I have made an honest start on the hull.

Some comments on this kit so far:

* Some parts are attached to the sprues very solidly, which makes removing those parts without damaging them a bit difficult

* Fit of most pieces is quite good, provided you apply pressure after bonding for 30-60 seconds, otherwise hairline gaps may result which will then need putty and sanding.

* Some rivets on the hull stand up like spikes, and need to be gently filed down to a uniform height.

* All doors and hatches can be modelled open, but there is no interior detail.
I will leave some of the smaller hatches open, but will close the doors. I may dabble on a basic interior so I can leave entry doors open on a later build (I have another variant still unbuilt)

* I have sanded the inside of the hull around the hatches that I will leave open otherwise the hull walls look too thick. Same with doors and hatch covers, they are too thick, the undersides need sanding down

So far I'm pretty happy with this build, its presented no major problems and has been enjoyable

Here are some pics, I'll post again when more progress achieved


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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 01:47 AM UTC
I didn't realise this was on. Here is my AEC O854 refueller from the Airfix kit that I did this month.
It isn't armour, will it count?

WIP slides

Matador Finished
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Friesland, Netherlands
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 02:42 AM UTC
@ John-Paul; Of course it counts, doesn't have to be armor, as long as it's braille scale. Very nice end result, maybe got some more pics?

@ Matthew; the fuel truck looks awesome, great weathering there.
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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 02:47 AM UTC
Hit play on the slideshow there should be loads.
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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 03:22 AM UTC
This is a happening place!

Primed the T34-76 last night and now ready to paint in earnest
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 04:55 AM UTC
@dutchboyinohio - Mark, that looks like quite an impressive amount of parts with that kit. The PE also looks quite intimidating as its at least four times the amount in most Dragon Shermans.

@Maurice - Nice to see some progress shots. I know what it's like to sometimes ignore construction order or you'll find yourself stuck behind the proverbial rock and a hard place. You've got plenty of time so being slow is relative.

@firstcircle - The fuel truck looks great, Matthew. I particularly am impressed by the tread pattern on the fenders and the back platform and how it stands out so well. If you are happy with the build then just put up a shot or two in the official campaign gallery. Not only will you be the first to post a completed picture but then you can move on to your next project. Strike while the iron is hot!

@Korpse - Coming together nicely, Neil. The idea of leaving some hatches or a door open is great. At this scale even a rudimentary interior would be enough as most people would be hard pressed to see too much with just the naked eye.

@jayee - Welcome to our small scale adventure. I was surprised that you never managed to join us for the Matchbox Nostalgia Campaign. As for allowable subjects, the preamble to the rules specifies that the model be moved into your motor pool and constructed or finished. I think the allusion to ground based equipment is fairly evident. If in doubt, questions are always graciously answered.

I will consider your first entry as a "Finish" as there is a requirement in the rules for sprue shots of a new kit prior to construction beginning. Also, as this is part of a two vehicle kit, the second vehicle (the Bedford) must also be completed for the "kit" to be considered complete.


I would just like to reiterate and again clarify a point about "kits." Early on in the campaign thread there was a discussion as to what qualifies as a "kit" as far as the rules are concerned. The general consensus by all members present was that a "kit" is any subject released by a manufacturer as a single subject. A couple of examples:

-The old Matchbox Char B and Renault FT are considered one kit. That is the way they were originally released.

- The Trumpeter Famo Sd Kfz 9 and its matching trailer were originally released as separate "kits." More recently they were released as a combined kit but we shall still consider them two separate "kits."

If you have any doubts or questions about this issue please feel free to ask.

Finally (this was quite a post and reflects the recent volume of action), the chart has been updated with all the recent developments and you can find it; Campaign Chart. We are now at 41 members and we have 14 projects started and underway. We still are a few days short of one month in and the campaign has already surpassed 12,000 views. Positively astounding, people!

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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 06:22 AM UTC
Froggy is finished It is Italeri kit with CMK jerry cans (highly NOT recommended) and converted Milicast figure.

Tomorrow I go to models exhibition in Katowice and there will be Froggy's premiere

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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 06:28 AM UTC
Boy, Jan you run a tight ship here. Well since you are the gaffer ill gladly finish the ql too. But maybe not as a refueller. As what? Well you'll have to guess. And I'll have to get creative.
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 07:11 AM UTC
@Radek The finished product looks first class. If there are awards at the exhibition then your build definitely deserves at least one.

jaypee It's all in the rules,'s all in the rules. If you think that I am a difficult taskmaster you should deal with my XO (firstcircle). As for the Bedford, someone here mentioned trying to do the experimental half-tracked version. It had a Universal/Bren carrier track assembly substituting for the rear wheels. Be great to see someone actually build that beast.

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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 08:46 AM UTC
Yup I've seen that half track. Nice idea.

That AutoBlinda should be disqualified. I thought this was braille scale and that is clearly 1/35 or higher. Wow. I feel (inspired/like giving up) when I see a build like that.
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 09:46 AM UTC

Quoted Text

@ firstcircle,
Great truck. I really like the paintjob you did on that one. Maybe a little clean up on the edges of the base (see first picture)?

Aargh! after seeing the glorious shiny pedestal base upon which Radek's Sahariana is sitting so prettily, it must be said that my base looks positively derelict. Well, I did a little clean up by scraping off that bit of light coloured dirt on the far right with my thumbnail; I don't like to think about what it might have been after almost thirty years. There is a story behind that piece of wood actually, it was a kind of makers' label that was attached to a pair of armchairs my parents bought in about 1977, which I swiped, and eventually paved with Tetrion filler. It still says "Huseby Rainwood" on the other side.

Thanks for the nice comments on the Isuzu TX40 - and strange the way you wait for ages for a petrol tanker and then two come along at once.

JP, go ahead and do the Bedford conversion, I am planning to do something else, but am also keeping it under my hat for the time being . . . As for this thing about completing all of the kit, I am absolutely certain there isn't anything left in the Science Treasury Isuzu box - honestly!

Hope all goes well at the competition, Radek.
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Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 10:00 AM UTC
I've been stopping by to check things out on a daily bases and I am most impressed with the quality and amount of builds and participants. I'm currently in the middle of putting together a kit for another campaign and when that is completed I will start on my builds for this campaign. I can't wait!!!

Keep'm coming!
