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Braille Battlefield
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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Monday, December 20, 2010 - 07:52 PM UTC

I was abcent for a few days and again it is hard to follow all of the progress in builts... Jan, Bob, Neil and all others - I see you do a really fantastic job. Soon I will join you with another progress photos of my Flitz.

Rob - it is nice to see you here, I've just finished reviewing of OTW and when I came back to the tread... What a nice surprice
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Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Monday, December 20, 2010 - 09:41 PM UTC
Hi all. Everyones work is looking great!
Welcome to the campaign Rob, nice choice of kit,haven't seen one of those around yet,will have to add it to the list,it's getting longer every day!

Here are some pic's of the finished Airfix Vickers VI-a.
I'm not sure if I've over done the weathering? Opinions? Improvements?

I realised as i was finishing it that the commanders cupola is not right, and is off to the side,this is the way Airfix have molded it to fit?!
The decals for the kit did not match the instructions and the decals were really quite thin and fragile,I had to use all 3 sets of the serial numbers on the sides to get one set on,and even one of those ripped!
The red squares on the turret 'silvered' on drying even after using micro set, I've rarely ever had this happen.The red square with the 2 on it is supposed to be black, and the B.E.F white recognition squares were to big for the rear hull!
While it has been a fun little build and good practice for my future B.E.F builds,I'd have to say I'm really disappointed in this (JB models re-release) kit that Airfix have brought out. It is the only plastic kit of this vehicle I'm aware of and is heavily flawed in my opinion,and I wouldn't say I'm the most 'demanding' of modelers!
Anyway here it is,hope you like it.

I just realised I've left the searchlight matt,will fix that up.
Looking forward to seeing more progress shots from everyone.
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Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Monday, December 20, 2010 - 10:22 PM UTC
""@ Tim: nice going on the Vickers so far. Love the color, the muffler, and the tracks look fairly real, what is you secret?""

Hi Bob, forgot to answer your question. Have been working on a technique for tracks and mufflers since I joined Amorama in April, have used some of the great builds on here for tips!

Muffler:Painted a dark metallic colour (i use games workshop Boltgun metal darkened with black) then a heavy wash with thinned black, then a light wash with a rust colour, then I have just started playing around with pigments, so i used a thin wash of Vallejo Burnt Siena.I make the end of the muffler heavier in rust.

Tracks: Used Tamiya Flat Earth,then dry brush of same dark metallic colour,weak wash of thinned black,and then a thin wash of the Burnt Siena.

I use water based paints for the smaller stuff as they are easy to work with indoors.
It's all still a 'work in progress' technique but is much better than my old one!
Hope that's of some use to you.
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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 12:58 AM UTC
Tim - really good work on this tiny bug. I like the scheme very much and I think I'll do my next British armour wearing this kind of camo.

I'm sitting in the office, pretending to do anything useful for Polish economy... I want to go home and finally finish my Opel!!!!!!!!! And all of this because of you guys and your great models
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 06:13 AM UTC
Tim, I like that little afv of yours what kit is it? And did you airbrush or hand paint the camo?

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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 07:50 AM UTC
Bigrip74 - Bob, the Mk VI is the former JB Models kit that was absorbed and then rereleased under the Airfix name. Now you are thinking. 1/72 is such a breeze that you want to drop a notch to 1/76. I say go for it!

In the "I Can't Leave Well Enough Alone" department I just had to experiment with the SU. The tracks on the SU were damaged in places and someone earlier suggested that an application of simulated mud could disguise the fact.

Enter my SWMBO. She bought some stuff at the local craft shop that's professed to be simulated snow for the purpose of adorning some Christmas decorations. For whatever reason it didn't suit her purposes so she asked if I might have a use for it. Being the daredevil that I am I without thinking decided to give it a try on the SU. (really smart!!! Experiment on a current build!)

I mixed the stuff up and plopped a wad on my palette. Add a drop of Tamiya Dark Earth and buff and mix. The white substance turned into a coloured gooey slop with bumps in it.

Here it is with the SU.

The instructions.

The current test applied to the SU.

Okay, I may be asking for it but, what is your opinions on the potential for this stuff. The 2 US ounce (59ml) container is only $3.00. You can dilute it with plain water and for Braille scale it could potentially cover an entire regiment of vehicles.

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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 08:05 AM UTC
Jan - are you gonna to make more "colorful" mud on this little nice fellow? I really like this vehicle. Maybe I buy one from Military Wheels

Some photos of Flitz:

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 09:12 AM UTC
@ Jan:
1. Nah, 1/72 is hard enough to see so no 1/76 and I am sure there are probably enough parts that decided to fly off the table, tweezers, knife, and my fingers to build another project.
2. That stuff looks like mud to me, what does the label state "SNOW TEX" I could read it. If I can find this I will give it a try myself.

@ Radek: you are cheating that just looks too much like the real thing. Nice job.

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Utah, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 11:18 AM UTC
Jan, can you not follow directions? The bottle of gooey slop clearly states: "Sprinkle Glamour Dust on top for a glistening effect."

I don't see any glistening...

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Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 12:14 PM UTC

thanks for comments to all who have commented

@Tead-Geek - are you to be given a moment's peace ? short answer is "no"

and the mud looks real enough, I say go for it, and dont forget the glamour dust , as Woltersk reminded you

@Radek - your Flitz is awesome !!

And you mentioned the MW SU-76i.
I have this kit. It has fairly similar issues to other MW kits, and has the same early Stug III chassis as the SG-122 (I built one of these earlier this year).

I had problems finding any pictures of SU-76i built on early Stug chassis, seems most were built on Pz III chassis, particularly Ausf J as many of that model were captured .... as a result it stays in its box, while I decide whether to get a Panzer III Ausf J hull & running gear, and use the bits from this kit to convert it (just as the russians did) or whether to just build this MW Stug SU-76i out of the box...

here is an update on my two started builds (beute Panhard armoured car & BA-64 armoured car)

both got a coat of faux red primer, then shaded them with matt black, now have filled panels in with the base colours, Humbrol 117 for the BA-64 and Tamiya XF-60 lightened with a little Tamiya XF-57 for the Panhard. Green and Brown splotches on the Panhard are Humrol 117 and Humbrol 160

progress pics below

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Utah, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 04:05 PM UTC
Gun shield on. Still gotta fix the broken piece across the bottom.

Test fit the gun to chassis. Also had to trim off two mounting somethings on the upper glacis(?) plate to get the gun support to lay flat, otherwise it blocked one of the driver's viewing ports.

@Jan--while jesting about your glitter I forgot to mention how good that gooey stuff looks as mud. Glitter would make it look like frozen mud though.

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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 06:38 PM UTC
@ Keith - the "something" you had to trimmed is the hook for the steel rope. I had the same problem, but finally I've used Part's PE set and I've made the hooks from tin. Blocking the visor is not the issue in fact as the support is dropped only in firing position not during the move. Except this little "misfitting" Revell's model is really LEGO style And you are doing really good with that. Take care with tracks - there is no place for mistakes as Revell gave exactly number of links to close the track.

@ Neil - your railroad collection looks great now. The scratch details on Panhard brings it on the higher level. And I love green on the BA - exactly as I imagine russian armour green. Very nice preshading. And once more - I love the subject You've cosen - very rare and interesting. Can't wait for another update
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Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 08:59 PM UTC
Hi all.
Radek: Your opel looks superb! Another build that looks 1:35 scale.
Bob: The Vickers was all hand brushed, i don't own an airbrush as yet.
nlyall: Your builds are looking great. Nice work on the paint jobs.
Kieth: coming together nicely.

I'll have a look through the stash and see if I can pick something for my third build.
Hope you all have a great xmas holiday period.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 - 09:36 PM UTC
Tim, nice job on the hand brush of the camo. That is what I am doing at the moment with my 7TP until it stops raining.

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 01:19 AM UTC
Still far too much top progress to comment on... and no progress from me though; I am still engaged on an oil painting for a friend who wants to give it to her sister for Christmas (that's not going to happen...) and making polymer clay beads for a bracelet for my wife (not sure that's getting done by Saturday either). So important things like the Vielfachwerfer turntable base is firmly on hold.

Just to say, while I'm in Twinkly Christmas Craft World, Jan, that Snow Tex is exactly the product that Little First Circle used on her T-34 base in the MBN campaign - except she used it for its original purpose - as snow. I think it is effectlvely white acrylic paint with sand in it.
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 02:38 PM UTC
I put on a coat of Tamiya XF-58 (Olive Green) to see what it looked like and was pleased with the results especially after the build gremlins. Another coat will be required, but I have a question does anyone know if the bogies on the KV were rubber or just steel?


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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 03:02 PM UTC
Bob, AFAIK, a few very early KV-1 had rubber but due to shortages, the vast majority of them had pretty much ALL metal road wheels and return rollers. A few had rubber bushing afairs between the metal rim and wheel.

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 04:47 PM UTC
Jan, thanks for the information it will make it easier to finish the KV. Now to finish details then some weathering>

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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 07:11 PM UTC
@Bob - what kind of paint did you use for the track base coat? It looks interesting.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 08:12 PM UTC
@ Radek: I had asked the same question of TIM and his

[quote] Tracks: Used Tamiya Flat Earth,then dry brush of same dark metallic colour,weak wash of thinned black,and then a thin wash of the Burnt Siena.[quote]

I have not added the metallic or rust yet.

XF-52 Flat Earth

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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 10:51 PM UTC
Thanks a lot for info. I'll try it on my Renault R35. This looking to be very good idea for tracks.
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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Thursday, December 23, 2010 - 06:09 AM UTC
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve - the most importand day during Christmas in Poland and... the PRESENTS DAY

Merry Christmas to Everyone! Have a nice time and great fun!
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, December 23, 2010 - 07:39 AM UTC
Greetings all!

Several builds are coming along quite nicely and I thank those involved for posting their progress photos. I believe that this helps to keep all our motivation going.

As was my habit in the Matchbox Campaign, it is about time that I posted some statistics. Some may not care but there are always a few "bean counters" in every group. We are just short of two months into the campaign and this is how things stand:

49 have enlisted (100%)
19 have not committed to Finish or New (38.8%)
30 have committed to build type (61.2%)
25 have posted their Start or Begin pictures (51%)
21 have started building and posted a build picture (42.9%)
2 have posted in the Official Gallery (4%)
3 have a finished model that has not been posted in the Official Gallery (6%)
1 has qualified for the ribbon/award (2%)

The following members need to post a picture of their completed model in the official campaign gallery.

firstcircle - Isuzu TX-40
jaypee - AEC Refuelling Truck
eremzet - Opel Flak

The master chart on page 17 has been brought up to date. I have also taken the liberty of creating a campaign specific Web Site. The site will contain additional information, if any, a current Master Chart and the Unofficial Gallery. The unofficial gallery will be used to host pictures for the future campaign feature.

Braille Battlefield Remote Site

To Radek and others of Polish extraction Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia! (Hope I spelled that right). As I am of Polish extraction our celebration (and GIFT OPENING) will occur Christmas Eve.

To all members celebrating some holiday over the next week, my respective seasonal greetings. For some of you, don't eat too much and don't slack off on your building.

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Hame, Finland
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Posted: Thursday, December 23, 2010 - 08:49 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve - the most importand day during Christmas in Poland and... the PRESENTS DAY

Merry Christmas to Everyone! Have a nice time and great fun!

Same goes here, in Finland, too. Kids can´t sleep because they wait Santa Claus and presents. Because of all christmas preparations, my armored train has been in halt for last three weeks or more and now KV campaign in starting in January.. I have to find time to finish it soon.
But anyway Merry Christmas and peacefull new year for all fellow campaign members!
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Katowice, Poland
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Posted: Thursday, December 23, 2010 - 10:27 AM UTC
Jan - You've spelled it perfectly Have a nice Christmas Eve dinner and I wish You a fantastic presents I think both of us will have to loosen our belts

My Opel is not finished yet - I'm working on figures and a small base. Some minor details will be added too. I really want to finish it in 2010 but we'll see...

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve - the most importand day during Christmas in Poland and... the PRESENTS DAY

Merry Christmas to Everyone! Have a nice time and great fun!

Same goes here, in Finland, too. Kids can´t sleep because they wait Santa Claus and presents.

Kimmo, the biggest advantage of being Polish is that during Christmas presents are not to be given by Santa Clause. In Poland he comes to us on December 6th !!! Christmas Eve we got the presents from Bethlehem Star or Baby Jesus. So... in December we got the presents TWICE