Hi all,
Making a little progress on the engine for the Howie MG carrier. Everything is so
small it's easy to break parts and I've dropped it on the deck a dozen times because there's nothing to hold onto. The dimensions are high precision (lol) guesswork, based on photos of the sole example in the museum at Fort Benning and what little I know about Bantam engines. Although the engine itself is tiny, only 749 cc, the accessories such as starter motor, generator, coil, and distributor aren't that much different from those on larger engines, so everything is crammed together in a very small space. It's sitting on a US 1 cent piece for scale, and it's dwarfed by the 30'06 cartridge in the background.
Left side view, radiator on the left, gas tank on the right. Materials used were Evergreen styrene bar stock and sheet, odd bits of sprue, & 1.5 mm brass tube. The ignition wiring is strands of telephone wire. The radiator hose on top of the cylinder head is solder, and a slightly thicker piece of solder was used for the exhaust pipe on the right side of the engine. The oil filler tube on the left side is a cut down wire brad.
Right side view. The gear shift (temporary) is a straight pin which will be replaced once I have the linkages worked out.
View from the gearbox end
Front view of the engine. The fan is the 5th one I made, after breaking three while making them. I tried cutting them out of aluminum beer can stock, but ruined every one, so I went back to sheet styrene. The 4th broke
after it was installed while I was working on another part of the engine.
Anyway, after a little tidying up, it's about ready for some paint, and then I can mount it on the chassis along with the radiator, gas tank, and battery.