Sdkfz 10/5 Flak 38

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Tracks and Flak 38
The MK tracks were assembled next, 43 links per side as called for in their instructions. The tracks were painted with MM non-buffing metalizer gunmetal lacquer-based paint and then heavily dry-brushed with MM enamel steel. This was followed by an overall wash of burnt umber and the rubber “feet” of the track pads picked out by hand using MM enamel gunmetal. The tracks were then installed and tensioned using the adjustable idler wheel mounts. Once the desired sag was achieved, the idlers were glued into permanent position.

The Flak 38 also received some detailing attention with the barrel and loaded magazine painted with MM non-buffing metalizer gunmetal and lightly dry-brushed with MM enamel steel. The barrel was slid into position and glued down and the loaded magazine added. Additional spare magazines were installed in the ready bin on the left side of the gun with the exposed brass round painted with MM non-buffing metalizer brass. The Flakvisier targeting sight was detailed with MM enamel gunmetal and the targeting lens painted first with enamel silver and then given a second coat of Tamiya acrylic clear green. The control console was also detailed with the dial knobs picked out with MM enamel gunmetal and their display faces with MM enamel light gray. Last but not least the gunner’s seat back cushion was detailed in the same fashion as the driver’s cab seats to complete this area. The Flak 38 was then permanently installed onto the rear deck using the Italeri jack stands and locking brace.

Rounding things out in the detailing phases, I also hand painted the front suspension elements of the steering wheels using MM non-buffing metalizer gunmetal followed by an overall wash of enamel burnt umber.

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About the Author

About Bill Plunk (wbill76)

Like many, I started out in the hobby as a kid building airplanes to hang from my bedroom cieling. I took a long break from the hobby, returning in 2001 with an interest in armor inspired mostly by online gaming. WW2 armor, 1/35 scale, is my preferred genre with a special taste for the stranger vehi...


Looks like another winner from Wild Bill Plunk.
DEC 06, 2010 - 10:25 AM
Thanks Bill and of course thanks to Darren as well for the effort in putting this one together.
DEC 06, 2010 - 12:55 PM
Bill, Excellent Work!!!! Looks fantastic! So just out of curiosity, I have a question for you. What did the completed kit cost with all the AM/PE and the DML 20mm AA gun versus what the base kit itself cost? I only ask out of curiosity and amusement. Over on the New CH Tiger I topic there's a bunch of chatter about the cost of new kits, but when you stop to think about all the money spent on extras for these kits it makes the newer kits look down right cheap in comparison. Thanks and again, outstanding job!
DEC 07, 2010 - 03:04 AM
Sean, That's a great question to ask and thanks for the comments! The kit itself IIRC I picked up for around $20 a few years back and the rest of the stuff I accumulated here and there until I had it ready and ultimately was ready to build it. All told, including the original kit purchase, the cost of this one came to around $80 or so give or take since I used MK tracks and also included a replacement AM barrel for the DML Flak 38.
DEC 08, 2010 - 11:38 AM
Good article again Bill. Lots of little bits of useful info and what to look out for. Don´t suppose theres any point mentioning a figure for this one????
DEC 08, 2010 - 12:26 PM
I'd think someone had snatched you and replaced you with an impostor if you didn't at least make the suggestion Frank!
DEC 08, 2010 - 02:55 PM
Another great kit by Bill !! It's been awhile since I got a look at your builds ! I have 3 Demags on stash, not that one, I agree with the cost benefit issue with the AM parts. Great work on that old Italeri kit
DEC 09, 2010 - 09:16 AM
Thanks John, appreciate the comments!
DEC 09, 2010 - 12:15 PM
I think its high time all us armor/figure/diorama guys got together and had an intervention so you get the push/support needed!
DEC 09, 2010 - 01:29 PM
I think its high time all us armor/figure/diorama guys got together and had an intervention so you get the push/support needed! [/quote] I'll second that! Come on Bill, all the COOL kids are doing it!
DEC 10, 2010 - 02:30 AM