Grand Prize Winner
"De Arend" Diorama by Bob Card:

First Place Winner
A Complete M60A1 by Don Franklin

Second Place Winner
Hell of a Way to Die by Frank Glackin

Third Place Winner
5 Step Winter Whitewash by Ralph Koziarski

And the prizes:
Grand Prize
A brand new edition of R. P. Hunnicutt's Sherman : A History of the American Medium Tank
First Place
Choice of DML kit #6252 Tiger I Initial Production 3-in-1 or Cyberhobby kit #6327 Tauchpanzer IV Ausf D 5-in-1
Second Place
Choice of Tristar kit #35015 Pzkpfw IV Ausf D or DML kit #6253 Tiger I Late Production 3-in-1
Third Place
Choice of AFV Club kit #35053 M3A3 Stuart Light Tank or Tamiya kit#35235 Steyr Type1500A Kommandeurwagen with Lion Roar PE.
If the winners would please contact me directly by PM with their relevant shipping details and choice of prize for the First through Third awards, we'll get this squared away.
Thanks again to all who participated, we had some great articles submitted and I look forward to more! Congrats again to the winners.