Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!
As the one who made the first jibe about friendly fire I have got to let you all in on a little story that will ring true in the heads of a lot of guys and galls on here.
Firstly, as an EX TA soldier with the RLC (V) who has never had to fire a weapon in anger, or had the honour of serving his country in a foreign land during times of hostility, my experience of warfare and its horrers have been thankfully limited to the one way traffic of hot lead at carefully positioned and helpfully coloured static, or sometimes moving (ok very slowly) targets somehow always in the general direction my rifle was pointed. MMMMMMMMMMMMM How convenient!
The situation that brings the fog of war close to my own mind involves basic training on the hills overlooking Edinburgh and practicing reaction to an ambush. In the counter movement towards the enemy in line abreast through high bushes. One of my palls to my left got ahead of us all. The idiot took a lazy break, lay down in the middle of bushes pointing in the general direction we were attacking from and was promptly shot by myself who came around the bush and saw the supposed sniper. Isn't it nice to know my wargames were done with blanks ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and oh how we all laughed after it!!!!!!!
I feel for those guys who pressed the wrong buttons and have that on their minds for the rest of their lives. The people I think caused most of the later grief were the politicians and Army Top Hats who did not want to be put in the spot lights for not getting the safe (or should I say safer) guards in place prior to hostilities to reduce where possible the chances of this happening. After all "WAR is a dangerous place to be".
The British Army has to my limited knowledge not bought fully into the system of FoF identification systems that could have been used. Just like the body armour that never arrived, or the IED protection systems that sat in store cupboards cause they were not to get lost or broken.
There is also the time when I threw a thunderflash into my own trench,,,,,,,,,,,,, but that is another story!
As I said The GREAT FOG OF WAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Respect for all the TRUE soldiers and RIP all those who died in the service of their country! Whichever side!