To get around have int to spend so much money. I looked for sales on Great Models as well as Squadron. An thin there's all the scratch work I did to same my self money.
OK here's a list of the things I got on the mini sals over the years of that build.
1. 1/35 Academy Merkava Mk III - $19.95
2. 1/35 Legend Merkava upper hull conversion set - 39.89
3. 1/35 Legend IDF FAN MG set - 9.98
4. 1/35 Legend 50 cal. set - 9.98
6. 1/35 Legend ball & chain set - 10.99
7. 1/35 eduard Merkava Mk. III detail set(PE) - 19.99
8. 1/35 Fruilmodel Merkava Mk III track sets - 39.99
9. 1/35 Academy IDF tank crew set - 3.99
10. 1/35 Academy IDF Modern Infantry Set - 4.98
Total......................................159.77 over some years of hard and fun work. AN was it werth it "YEP"!!
No remember I did not buy all of this stuff at one time.
Now all the styrene I use I had it so I will not at that to the full cost. Nore will I add the cost of the Resin I had on hand. The paint what a custom mixed paint I made up afthere looking at IDF photo on line and in the mini books I have. The type of pain started off with: Fl-Mild Gray Primer, Tamiya Fl-Black for the lines, Thined 10%-20% Olive Green, Then my mix of 20% Gray 40% olive Green. And then I dusted the tank with chalk pastels. I feel I'll do a lot better on the (LIC)-Low Intensity Conflict version.