thank you all for your comments.
Felix, I know that this color of canon is not very common but this was in fact the real colour of a primed not painted barrel. There are pictures of a brand new Hetzer and few Pz IV with dark grey barrels.
thanks mate for your feedback, I've added few things to the barrel hope it looks good.
Like always I appreciate your great feedback & advices. Finally the zimmerit looks well. LOL I'll not touch a zimerited vehicle for a loooong time now. NO WAY
The Idea of green armoured plates came from the green base colour in 1945. It definitely looks better as it is. I hope you'll find the hull weathered coherently with the turret. Less streaks comes from the difficulty to reproduce them on the zimmerit.
On the barrel I used some painting with grey/buff and grey/black/white mixes. few scratches have been made with a lead pencil. At the end some pigments (industrial city dirt, russian earth, europe dust) have been added.
I like your idea of making the muzzle in a different colour than the barrel. I'll will use it for sure (but not on this one).
Final steps:
The turret's roof and hull got some pigments dusting and rain marks have been added to all sides of the turret.
I decided to add a B on the front glacis, don't really know why
An antenna and the MG (both from JB model) have been added at the very end.
Thank you all for watching and participating in this thread
Final pictures

and finally... a small family picture
