First of all I apologize for the late answer but I spent most of the last 24 hours in a hospital assisting my wife and watching the first hours of my little daughter.
thank you for the comments.
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I don't think I would would have the time or patience to pull off a build like that.
Have you took a good look on your brilliant models:-X
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The last pic of the three kitties is great, I like the ones on the ends, something about the camo schemes.
I feel in you the late war spirit
Looking at the "how to" on fine scale modeller makes me want to make a knock out, rusty T II.
Thank you for your kind comments. I'm glad you like this build. About the shürzen, I personally prefer the look of this tank without them, but it's just me.
James my friend,
thank you for your comments and support
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I wasn't expecting to see this done so soon Pawel!
I know what you mean

What have helped a lot was to take an already finished model (even if some additional work was needed). I still remember 6 months of the last befehlspanzer...
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One issue though, I could be wrong (Herbert are you reading this?), but a late turret would have been left in bare primer inside and not had the ivory paint inside the loaders hatch. (could even have been painted dunklegelb?),
from my sources and discussions on other forums the interior of tanks was left in red primer only for a short moment (if I remember well end of 1944), after plaints from the crews it was canceled. I might be wrong about the colour but (ivory/white, dunkelgelb or... if we go further , olivgrun on vehicles with the dark green paint as base colour ) but red oxide seems to be false route here.
thank you for your comment. I'm glad you like my kitty

After reading your comment it's true that that different camo scheme on the turret makes it look different/ bigger/ larger etc. Good point.
What's next? Must follow the work on the pz IV I started, I decided to use one of many panthers in my stock and there's a finished Jagdtiger on my shelf I don't like any more... In addition I'm not really sure how long I'll be able to stay away from one of my 7 KTs I have in my stash
thanks man!
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but don't you think it's about time for a tiger 1 maybe.
It crossed my mind. I have only one in my stock (the one with zimmerit moulded on). I promised myself not to touch this pesky paste for some time. If I could get one nice Dragon's initial....
thank you
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Now to get on with the "Workhorse."
I'll do my best
Geraint mate,
thanks for the comment, I'm really flattered. I must say that the last befehlspanzer is also my favourite T II
I'm glad you followed that build and liked it. I admire your knowledge about the TII. I've read all the precious comments you made in Marco's Tiger B Initilal build.
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Again I learned some new techiques from you and from those posting as well.
your last words make me very happy as (as I indicated many times) this is the very heart of my idea of build logs.
Thank you all guys for your support and help.