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Miniart Dio Campaign
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Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Monday, March 08, 2010 - 02:37 AM UTC
Hi Andrew, It looks pretty good. The chains and tools look brand new so a little weathering there would help some. And putting it on a base with the ground work I think would also go a long way to the abandoned look. I like it though ! Tom
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Christchurch, New Zealand
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Posted: Monday, March 08, 2010 - 12:54 PM UTC
G'Day andrew

How did you do you climber plants, the look very good.
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Zurich, Switzerland
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Posted: Monday, March 08, 2010 - 07:29 PM UTC

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Hi guys i am having a brain fart at the mo and having probs getting my build to come to life and looked used and forlorn.i stll need to add pigments.

Any help or advise here to point me in the right direction would be great.thanks.

Hey, that's the one I'm buiding! Looks great! Did you have any problems with the alignment of the corner stones? I think I might add some plantwork as well to hide the corners, they turned out a bit whacky on mine... I would also say, weather the chains and tools a bit more and add it to a base. BTW, where did you get the tools? And how did you make the plant?

Pat, the enlargment of the church looks great, looking forward to the endresult!

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, March 08, 2010 - 07:43 PM UTC
Thanks for the feed back guys,
The tools are just loose ones left over from kits in the spares box with the molded brackets taken off.
The Ivory comes from great north roads and got used for covering the bad alignment on the corner stones.Like you Stefan i had big problems getting the corners and joins to go right so used the ivory to cover the mess up,
I had big problems getting the roof to fit and sit right as well,i had to remove part of the back parts wood support big to get it on.
The base is quit a large one about 2 foot square its a dio i am doing over on trackpads but that is still a bit of yet just getting every thing done for it.

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Christchurch, New Zealand
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Posted: Monday, March 08, 2010 - 08:28 PM UTC

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Thanks for the feed back guys,
The tools are just loose ones left over from kits in the spares box with the molded brackets taken off.
The Ivory comes from great north roads and got used for covering the bad alignment on the corner stones.Like you Stefan i had big problems getting the corners and joins to go right so used the ivory to cover the mess up,
I had big problems getting the roof to fit and sit right as well,i had to remove part of the back parts wood support big to get it on.
The base is quit a large one about 2 foot square its a dio i am doing over on trackpads but that is still a bit of yet just getting every thing done for it.

Hi Again

Thanks for the info on the ivy.

I wouild suggest you give the whole thing a couple of oil washes (dark umber). You may need to undercoat the chains to give the oils something to stick to. leave it a couple of days and start on you pastels.

Hope that helps some.


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Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - 05:26 PM UTC
Hi Pat ..I just found this thread and I'm not really signed up for this campaigne but I thought I'd post a few pictures of the one I'm building right now ...

I still have lots of rubble and the windows to do but hey's a start

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Oregon, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - 08:28 PM UTC

Wow, good to see more progress here. Looks like some great stuff from everyone. I have been having work issues lately which has been keeping me from being active in the forums. Modeling has been sporatic as well but I do have a box of parts going for multiple projects (mostly aviation at the moment) that I am working on when I have time. Plus, I just got a brand new car- my first ever at the golden age of 38. Its a Subaru Impreza.

just a few comments before posting my pics (oh yes those!)

Pat- nice to see such great productivity, even if it is the kitchen table as you say. I like what you are doing with the wooden framework, not just the windows as we were discussing, but the floors as well. I have been pondering similar structures lately as well. Thanks for your compliment as well.

Michael- I will be following your build. I have been putting a lot of work into my German Shed kit for the Bitter Taste of Defeat campaign that some of us here are also in. I REALLY need to get to it because I should be finishing that up. So good luck with that. The tank looks like it will work well.

Thomo- great work with the weathering/two tone paint job. I have been to Europe, spent a year there actually but I am stil having a lot of questions about what color I should go with (which I will discuss below). In the meantime, your bulld looks fantastic. I am also curious about your process.

Chis (and everyone). Good work on the new North African house. I have this one also but have to save it until later. Looks impressive so far. Can't wait to see what you do to it.

So here are my progress pics. Basically I am totally up in the air about what color, but I stumbled on a solution which I hope to explain here. After a couple layers of Tamiya brownish acrylic undercoating I put on a layer of Flat Aviation White Enamel. It was fine, but I decided that it wasn't the final color, went to the paint store and settled on Model Master 50's Aqua. Maybe not the best choice in retrospect, so I was thinking, ok I want to try a light yellow brown. I was messing around, doing some testing with my Humbol enamels thinking about painting the window ledges when I accidently cleaned my brush in alcohol for my Tamiyas instead of Thinner, and then I sort of did a test wash and I think it looks pretty cool. Then for the other side I tested the Thinner wash and it sort of started to work into the Enamel a little bit. So do totally different effects, and I think I will use both- one of each side.

To start off with a view of the inside portion. Not much going on.


Here is the 50s Aquamarine. At the top, is the Enamel Thinner wash. It is light but gives a cool effect, effectively muting the aqua.


On the top left side you can see the alcohol/acrylic wash which is thicker. I intend to build up more yellow brown on this side and possibly employ the salt technique to make it look like paint chipping. maybe...


This is a good close up of what starts to happen when you use a Enamel Thinner (oil based) over Enamel paints. It eats away. Funny, I did read about this just recently... but when done lightly the effect seems great to me.


Finally more progress on the Kuppelwagon. Let me know if you think it is too dark. I can't tell if I should stop on this one.


Thanks for looking.

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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, March 15, 2010 - 08:41 AM UTC
Some very interesting builds on the go here.
I've been very busy with mine. The Walls are completed now. I've added some hinges (tin foil) to the door & windows. I've scratch built using Balsa wood & Wooden stirring sticks the 1st floor & the Attic floor remains of. Have also started on the German figure's that will be inside the building.
I've added a load of pic's to my photobucket album.

havn't decided on a partial roof yet or wether to leave it as it is.
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Posted: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - 03:27 AM UTC
Hi everyone,
Interesting to see how everyone's getting on, here's my contribuiton......
My building is Miniart's 'Diorama with Ruined House' #36012. I wanted to build a small dio using MB's 'German Signals Personnel', and this one was perfect.

I didn't have the room to obviously include any vehicles, but a spare Tamiya 75mm anti tank gun I had spare was just waiting to get re-used... Initially as can be seen in the above photo, the interior rubble was much higher, but it looked TOO much, so I reduced it by half. Obviously a 3+ storey city building is going to have a lot of bricks/debris/rubble etc, but sometimes I think less is more. Depending perhaps on the size & type of diorama more rubble would've been more realistic, but on this one most if not all of the street would've just been filled, & that would take away all the added extra detail i.e. cobbles & pavement.

The wall posters & notices were taken off the internet (the posters supplied in the kit were German). Made afew newspaper sheets on the computer & scattered them around. The dead soldier was made up from spare parts, the interior wallpaper reproduced form the internet. Just used Tamiya & Vallejo paints, and oil paints for the washes. All that's needed are the figures from Master Box, which are nearly completed, and afew touches here and there.

Please leave any comments & suggestions, since it's not finished there's always room for improvements...... Thanks for looking,

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Dalarnas, Sweden
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Posted: Thursday, March 25, 2010 - 06:38 AM UTC
What an immense amount of work and progress has turned up here since I last visited...
Far to much to comment to, except for a "Very well done, guys!"...

Shaun, I especially like your work, as my building is the same one.
I cleaned it up;

During the cutting I did cause some damage. This is the first vacuformkit i've ever touched, so i need to get the hang of it.
And after that I did a lot of sanding..... and some dryfitting..... and some more sanding....and dryfitting..... and sanding..... and glueing!! Yes!!
But it just wouldn't fit right and stick together even less....
I tossed the damn thing back in the box, waiting for my second attempt.... any time now....
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Dublin, Ireland
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Posted: Friday, March 26, 2010 - 01:21 AM UTC

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During the cutting I did cause some damage. This is the first vacuformkit i've ever touched, so i need to get the hang of it.
And after that I did a lot of sanding..... and some dryfitting..... and some more sanding....and dryfitting..... and sanding..... and glueing!! Yes!!
But it just wouldn't fit right and stick together even less....
I tossed the damn thing back in the box, waiting for my second attempt.... any time now....

Don't despair I had a similar problem and myanswer was to cut away all the side pieces so that I ended up with just the front and back face of each wall. I then used strips of timber between to make up the thickness. I built a box around each window.
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New York, United States
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Posted: Friday, March 26, 2010 - 04:52 AM UTC

Started my first Mini Art kit or a vac form kit of any type on March 15. I'm new to all this modeling stuff. Its almost all painted and together didn't know the directions were on line and I don't have progress photos. Is it to late to enter this kit in the campaign?
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Dublin, Ireland
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Posted: Friday, March 26, 2010 - 07:46 AM UTC

Quoted Text


Started my first Mini Art kit or a vac form kit of any type on March 15. I'm new to all this modeling stuff. Its almost all painted and together didn't know the directions were on line and I don't have progress photos. Is it to late to enter this kit in the campaign?

Yes of course welcome aboard Salvatore

Here's the link to sign up

and here is the link to the Galleryame for you photos when you take them
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New York, United States
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Posted: Saturday, March 27, 2010 - 07:06 AM UTC
OK great. Like I said this is my first mini art kit its a Russian street with advertising column. Also my first Dio.
2 pic of it painted using a mix of acrylic and enamels

Cleaned it up a bit used some filler on the seem and added some more paint then added some rubble

If anybody can tell me how to add the pic to the tread directly that would be great.

I'm gonna add the Dragon German Grenadiers I did for the Paint those Troops Campaign and a destroyed Zvezda Soviet BA-10 Armored Car that turned our terrible so it has to be destroyed to look better.
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Dublin, Ireland
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Posted: Saturday, March 27, 2010 - 08:06 AM UTC
Here are your photos, Nice work Salvatore. What are your plans for the dio?

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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 28, 2010 - 02:15 AM UTC
Hi guys,
Finished this up last nt and took photos this morning. I added the Dragons and the wrecked Armored Car, threw in some wood chips from a shredded piece of 1/4 inch plywood, then added some plaster and baby power for the snow. Sprayed the whole thing down with a coat of clear gloss. I don't care for the way the column turned out i think some of the posters need to be torn a bit and I guess I should have done some more work on the inside of the wall. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I learned a lot seeing what some of you have done here.
Pat can't wait to see what that church of yours will look like when its done and thanks for putting my pic on the tread.
Simon that torn wall paper is great how did you do that.
I'm gonna keep reading this tread and maybe I can pick up some more pointers.
I enjoyed doing this Mini-Art kit and I think I'll get another 1.

Still cant figure out how to get the pictures in the forum so here is the links, they are up in the gallery for the campaign.
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Dublin, Ireland
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Posted: Sunday, March 28, 2010 - 04:16 AM UTC

Go to your gallery.
Click on your chosen image
underneath the large pic will be a line of HTML Code marked

Linked Thumbnail: beside it is an icon of a frame, click on this and a line of HTML text appears marked HTML code:
Copy and paste this line of code into your post and the pic will appear.

Yor pics are a bit small any chance of some larger ones?
Don't forget to upload at least one pic to the campaign gallery
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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 28, 2010 - 03:17 PM UTC
Pat had to compress the photos so that they would load onto the sight and they are up on the gallery page. Thanks for the explanation, now lets see if I can figure this out .
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Posted: Monday, March 29, 2010 - 07:12 AM UTC
Hi Salvatore,
The wallpaper was simply taken from a website that had pattern samples. I just copied & pasted a square of sample onto a "word document", resized it to a suitable scale, and reproduced it to give me a strip of wallpaper. Not all patterns work this way, but the simple basic ones are fine. This was just then printed off.
The strip of paper was then cut out & stuck to the wall in a similar way normal wallpaper would be hung, but using a kids glue stick. The tears are simply created by ripping & pulling down a piece of the paper with tweeers & gluing in place if neccessary.

Hope that helps, good luck with future projects...!!!

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New York, United States
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Posted: Monday, March 29, 2010 - 03:24 PM UTC
Hey Simon,
Thanks for the tip I just started another building today for the Operation Market Garden Campaign and will have my Paratroopers in a fighting position on the inside of the building so I need something for the walls. I'll try you suggestions and thanks again. Always willing to learn something new.
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Dublin, Ireland
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Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2010 - 10:46 PM UTC
Okay so when I thought my LHS weren't going to get a second church kit for me I ordered one online and have ended up with three. I know there are simpler ways to do this with wood and cork or even plaster but anyway....
Here is where I am now

I've only put together the outside wall-the inner wall I'll make from either plastic card or foamcore board. The tricky part is going to be filling in the joins. I think some ivy vines will come into it
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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 11, 2010 - 03:33 AM UTC
Hi Pat,
Looks good. A few more kits on the reverse side and you can have a whole wall.
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New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, April 15, 2010 - 12:34 AM UTC
Sounds Excellent, im in. Ive got my hands on a few of the 1/35 kits lately.

Cant wait to get started.

Cheers Damian

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Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, April 16, 2010 - 03:39 AM UTC
Update with my build.
I've finished all of the floors & the roof is half way Tiled. Been making the tiles out of Daz clay. I'll see if I can take some pic's at the weekend.

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England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - 11:46 PM UTC
Got some of the painting done and re-did the flooring hope to get a lot more done this holiday weekend