With any luck this Blog will become a build review. While there is only one sprue of parts and this build seemed simple enough, it's proving to have it's own unique challenges. One issue is that the hull top and bottom may need more work than I originally thought. The pieces just don't want to sit properly when I tried a dry fit.

While the suspension seems simple enough in the instructions it's not without issues. Each initial set of suspension arms has these little pegs that jut out at 90 degrees from the main part. Wouldn't you know that the fist one that I cut from the sprue broke.

The first suspension pieces.

Moving along. All first pieces in place.

Suspension arms assemblies complete.

Towing points attached to front and rear hull. No problems here other than a requirement to use very fine jaw tweezers (which the SWMBO got me for Christmas).

The plans called for the attachment of foot rails during the suspension build but as they are very fine and delicate I decided to save them for later.
Thanks for looking,