Well, I guess the site's recent crash wiped out my last post as well as the pics I uploaded for it, so here goes again. M7 build update two, take two.
First of all I made the necessary fixes to the suspension as pointed out to me by Richard (thanks again).
Then I fixed up the kit's rear hull plate. I sanded off the molded on guides for attaching the tools, drilled out the hole for the starter crank, and cut and filed the notch present on real vehicles but missing in the kit. I added the curved plate between the air filters and exhausts with a piece of lead foil. Lastly I added exhausts from a Tamiya M4, as the kit was missing these as well. I carved the exhausts up a little to try to replicate the earlier fishtail exhausts. Not perfect, but it works in a pinch.
I added the handle to the rear hull door and filled the sinkhole in the idler mount after taking the pic.
Next I added a few missing boxes and mounts for storing the driver's clear windshield inside the hull front plate out of modified kit parts, plastic strip, and spare bolts. I also added the flanges on either side of the opening for the howitzer with sheet plastic.
After that was done I had to make a new instrument panel. The kit comes with the later taller and slightly rounded panel, while the version I'm building had a rectangular panel. I made mine by laminating three sections of plastic sheet, then applied instrument faces using decals scrounged from my spares. When dried, the decals were sealed under a thin sheet of clear plastic. A couple of rivets and knobs later and construction was done.
Next I carefully painted the panel leaving only the faces of the dials visible.
Next up I had to modify the kit's ammunition storage box. The kit comes with a later 200 round storage box, but earlier Priests had 100 round boxes, so I cut down and modified the kit's part and added sheet styrene and angle stock as necessary.
I knew from the start that I was going to redo the driver's compartment, as the detail is a bit sparse and the box on the right is for later versions of the Priest.
I cut off the molded on transmission, filled the resulting hole with sheet styrene, and added the transmission from an Academy M36 kit. I also added the driver's controls, foot pedals, seat and seat mount, and attachments for the piece of white styrene tube, which I believe is part of the braking system, from the Academy kit as well. I didn't install the seat yet for ease of painting. The engine wiring is copper wire. I also added the internal bolt strips from laminated plastic sheet and spare bolts, and the cover plates for the brakes are sheet plastic with Archer surface detail rivets and more spare bolts. Finally, the new floor on the right was cobbled together from an AFV Club M10.
I fleshed out the rest of the driver's compartment by gluing the ammunition storage box in place, adding a wire along the left side of the hull interior, and a small storage compartment for maps or whatever else is necessary. I've seen vehicles with storage compartments on the side or on the overhang above the driver, but I wanted to dress up the area next to the driver, so it got the box.
I also added a storage box on the left hull side next to the driver. I believe this is for some sort of optical device, but I'm not an expert on the vehicle, so I'm not entirely certain. I just know that it's usually there.
Lastly, I came up with a driver figure, since I plan on displaying my Priest rolling down a Sicilian road. He's a significantly modified driver figure from the Tamiya Opel Blitz kit. I realize that his right arm is bigger than his left, but that was the best one I could find in my spares.
Next up I'll paint the driver and start putting together the 105 before breaking out the airbrush and getting some painting done on the subassemblies. I'll post some more pics when I get some more done.