Here's the commander. Not perfect, but I think he's passable. I'm trying to use acrylics exclusively, but really need Vallejo stuff for the flesh, as Tamiya just dries too fast and leaves too grainy of a surface when you drybrush. You can really see it in this first picture. Luckily you don't see it so much with the naked eye.

I added a Hornet head that I had from years ago, and detailed the helmet with lead foil straps. I also borrowed the texturizing trick with Testors Liquid Cement to make the helmet look a little more accurate. Next comes the binoculars, and I've noticed that his right eye needs a little tidying up!
Does the pose bother y'all? I thought that maybe he could be looking at something a little closer to him right after having looked through the binoculars, and so he has yet to lower them. Maybe I'll stick a guy on the tank deck talking to him or something...
Anyway, love the stuff I'm seeing lately! Keep it comin'!